Top Ten Pagan Articles

Here are the top ten articles for the Pagan Site! These rankings are live and get reset at the beginning of each month, so check back often to see what your fellow visitors are most interested in!

1. Plants and Prosperity
Learn how to release the powers in particular plants through fire and water to enhance your chances at attaining needed wealth

2. Precautions In The Use 0f Herbs
Learn about the precautions to take when

3. Herbs in Magick- Rosemary
Learn how to harness the magical energies of rosemary to enhance your life.

4. Herbal Magick- Lavender
Learn how to use Lavender in magick and potions.

5. Basil, The Herb Of Love, Money, and Protection
Learn about the uses of the herb basil for magickal help in love, protection, and prosperity

6. Herbs and Other Decorations for a Beltane Altar
Decorations for a Beltane Altar, and their meanings

7. Herbs and Poppet Magick
Learn how herbs are used in doll magick to help bring wealth and other magickal benefits

8. Rose, the flower of love and protection
Learn about the magickal properties of roses, the lore behind it, and their uses in health enhancing potions

9. Herbs in Magick – Willow
The history of willow in practical healthcare and magick

10. Herb Magick- Yarrow
Learn how yarrow was used in magick and medicine by our cultural ancestors

Be sure to visit the Pagan Archives for all the articles!

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