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BellaOnline Editor Application

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Please make sure you have reviewed the pages in this section. We want to make sure that you understand our process! Please especially read through the Site FAQ and Editor FAQ. That way you are sure what we are here for is a great fit for what you want to achieve. We want to help you reach your goals!

Please make sure you are ready for and comfortable with the idea of having your real name and real photo associated with writings in your topic area. BellaOnline's focus is on real people presenting their honest views on issues.

Please have ready:
* an existing topic you wish to write for. At this time we cannot create new topics until we fill the existing empty topics.
* 15 article ideas for this topic. These are just short ideas, not full articles.
* a 400+ word sample article on your chosen topic. This article must be put into our system, it cannot be on an external website.
* a desire to write weekly articles and to interact with visitors in our forum

Please make sure you will have time in the coming month to write an article a week and to work on the training material. We plan for trainees to graduate from our courses immediately after that month. Please make sure you will be available for the next four weeks before you apply. If we accept your application, we will want you to start on the site immediately. If you are going on vacation, please apply after you get back!

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Instant Pot Mardi Gras Pork Chops Étouffée Recipe

Easy Toffee Drops Recipe

Directional Stitching


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie


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BellaOnline Editor