
Problems Could Be Lurking In Your Collection
While it is usually good practice to get new acquisitions to your collection expertized, don’t forget about older material you have accumulated. You may have some classic material that you acquired much earlier in your career that may need to be authenticated. So why bother expertizing older materia
20 Ways to Get Stamps for Your Collection
This article lists 20 free or nearly free ways to get stamps for your collection.
A Closer Look At Magnifiers
You may already be familiar with the types of magnifying glasses that one normally associates with Sherlock Holmes. This would be a round convex glass or plastic lens attached to some type of handle.
A Hobby The Whole Family Can Enjoy
While many people think stamp collecting is an individual undertaking, it doesn’t have to be such. Stamp collecting is a great hobby for the entire family to enjoy. It is one way to become aware of history, geography, and much more.
A Stamp-Ede in San Antonio!
San Antonio, Texas, is just one of the many places worldwide that is hooked on the more-than-century-old craze of philately—the study of stamps, and stamp collecting. It had its beginnings alongside the national consolidation of stamp collectors and enthusiasts.
A Stamp’s Appreciating Value
One of the most frequently asked question by new collectors about a stamp is, “What is my stamp worth?.” Not an easy question to answer. Of course any given stamp is worth its face value, and every stamp catalog does list a minimum value for all stamps.
About Stamp Collecting
A stamp is a small piece of paper that is glued to the envelope whenever a document or a letter is sent via the post office. This is used both locally and internationally as a fee for the service rendered. There are two ways to send mail. The first is buying postage stamps then sending it using the
About Your Own Stamp Exhibit
Once you have your own stamp exhibit on display at a stamp show, you will most likely be spending a fair amount of time nearby your exhibit, watching the reactions of onlookers.
Acquiring Stamps From Companies
here are a lot of places where the collection can begin. The first place is usually through the mail that the person has received over a period of time. Since this is a slow process and other ways of acquiring stamps have to be done.
Advanced Stamp Collecting Terms
Stamp collecting terminology does not end with the basics. As you become more sophisticated in your collecting endeavors, you may be motivated to begin visiting stamp dealers and some stamp shows.
Allied Occupation Stamp Collecting
On May 7, 1945 Field Marshall Alfred Jodl signed an unconditional surrender on behalf of Germany’s military forces. The signing took place at General Dwight Eisenhower’s headquarters in Rheims, France. This event marked the end of Hitler’s ambitions.
Amassing A Collection Of Stamp Sources
Even if you receive a lot of mail regularly from a country you intend to collect stamps from and you have relatives or friends in said country, you probably won’t be able to amass the variety of stamps you want to collect. You are going to need a more organized method of acquiring stamps.
An Age Old Hobby
Thanks to the advent of technology that has made almost any chore less time consuming. Now, more people can indulge more on various hobbies. One age-old past time that never loses its luster is stamp collecting.
Appeals Court Decision On USPS And PRC Dispute
The long awaited decision by a United States federal appeals court has failed to end the dispute over the last postal rate increase in 2013. The appeals court sent the dispute back to the Postal Regulatory Commission on May 12, calling it decision over bar-coding requirements for mass mailings as be
Art Collectibles In The Form Of Stamps And Coins
By definition, when an object is considered as a work of art, it simply means that the object is the result of a creation of an item using the valuable application of a mass of expertise along with an array of talents and cleverness.
Art Collectibles In the Form Of Stamps And Coins
By definition, when an object is considered as a work of art, it simply means that the object is the result of a creation of an item using the valuable application of a mass of expertise along with an array of talents and cleverness.
Attending Your First Stamp Auction
If you have never attended a public auction--one where the bidding is done right there before your very eyes--do not jump into the stamp auction without understanding what you are getting yourself involved in. If it is possible you should attend a few stamp auctions as an observer first before you d
Basic Tools A Stamp Collector Needs
Always handle your stamp[s like a pro, always use the proper stamp tools. Stamp collecting can be one of the most stimulating and enjoyable hobbies in the world. And though it may not seem as exciting as most people picture it to be, there is a quiet, and almost otherworldly exhilaration and satisfa
Battle Of The Somme Commemorative Stamps
The Battle of the Somme in World War I, started on July 1, 1916. It lasted until November 1916. For many people, the Battle of the Somme was the battle that truly symbolized the horrors of trench warfare during the First World War. This one battle had a marked effect on the overall casualty figures
Becoming A Stamp Collector
The Postal Service has a number of publications that may be freely available at your local post office. One of these publications is aimed at youth and is titled "Become a Stamp Collector." Within its instruction is the advice that stamp collecting is "It's As Easy As 1-2-3!"
Beginner's Guide To Stamp Collecting
Through stamp collecting, one discovers educational information about sports, science, history, arts, currency, animals, rituals and customs of different countries and their people.
Bisected Stamps
The use of bisected stamps has a long but less than honorable history in the United States. Bisect refers to stamps that have been cut in part, most commonly in half, but into other fractions also, and postally used for the proportionate value of the stamp.
Bringing Out The Stamp Collector In You
Not everyone who is interested in stamp collecting is a collector. Seems somewhat strange, doesn’t it? If you are interested in stamp collecting, wouldn’t you be considered to be a collector? You can be interested in stamp collecting for many reasons and still not be a stamp collector.
Buy and Sell Stamps
Stamp collecting is considered to be one of the most popular hobbies in the world. This is despite the fact that there is not that much money that can be made from it even if the person has some of the oldest stamps dating back to the 19th century.
Buy and Sell Stamps
Stamp collecting is considered to be one of the most popular hobbies in the world. This is despite the fact that there is not that much money that can be made from it even if the person has some of the oldest stamps dating back to the 19th century.
Buy and Sell Stamps
Stamp collecting is considered to be one of the most popular hobbies in the world. This is despite the fact that there is not that much money that can be made from it even if the person has some of the oldest stamps dating back to the 19th century.
Buying And Selling As A Dealer
Stamp collecting is considered to be one of the most popular hobbies in the world. This is despite the fact that there is not that much money that can be made from it even if the person has some of the oldest stamps dating back to the 19th century.
Buying Classic U.S. Stamps Online Perils
If you buy a lot of stamps at online auctions, you may be shocked at how many of them are misrepresented and/or misdescribed, especially U.S. material. Almost all of the early high-value U.S. stamps described as being in mint or never-hinged condition that do not have certificates are either obvious
Buying Stamps On The Internet
Today some auction firms conduct that conduct public auctions post their sales on the Internet and accept bids online as well as by fax, telephone, and in person.
Can Stamp Collecting Be Fun?
Many consider stamp collecting as a fun activity not only for older people but also for kids. It provides a person the pleasure of collecting different types of stamps that he may find in ordinary binders or through his received mail. Some people consider it an exciting hobby. For a beginner, he may
Can You Make Money With Stamps
Stamp collecting is considered to be one of the most popular hobbies in the world. This is despite the fact that there is not that much money that can be made from it even if the person has some of the oldest stamps dating back to the 19th century.
Canadian Stamp Collecting
Stamp collecting is one of the most popular hobbies among Canadians. Canada has great respect on Stamp collecting which dates back to as early as the 17th century.
Canadian Stamp Collecting Tips
Stamp collecting is one of the most popular hobbies among Canadians. Canada has great respect on Stamp collecting which dates back to as early as the 17th century.
Canadian Stamp Collectors
Since its inception on May 6, 1840, “postage stamps” had been a part of history as it unfolds the greatest line of creations that society is enjoying up to this day.
Changes For U.S. Stamp Printers
The United States Postal Service till has two stamp printing firms under contract, but the ownership for one firm has changed. The USPS announced that the CCL label of Clinton, S.C. has purchased longtime tamp printer Sennett Security Products and its Banknote Corporation of America operation.
China Stamp Investing
In China, the stamp market has long been used as an investment alternative to their stock market. Investors moving into and out of the stamp market have caused wild fluctuations in prices for China stamps. In general, values of China stamps are higher than they otherwise would be without the influen
Cinderella Stamps Are Special
Collecting cinderella stamps is not for everyone. A cinderella stamps is more defined by what it is not.There are many different types and the term is usually construed fairly loosely. Items normally regarded as falling within the area are poster stamps, propaganda labels, commemorative stickers, st
Code Of Ethics Needed For Expertization
There is no governing set of rules or standard practices to which stamp dealers are expected or required to adhere to. As such both buyer and seller engage in a bit of theatrics to establish some kind of ground rules at the point of sale.
Coin And Stamp Collectors
People have different hobbies because people have different interests. There are people interested in sports, in arts, in crafts or even in games. What matters in choosing a hobby is that it keeps you interested. It makes idle time worthwhile. It tells a lot about the passions of a person. That is w
Coin And Stamp Collectors Contrasted
People have different hobbies because people have different interests. There are people interested in sports, in arts, in crafts or even in games. What matters in choosing a hobby is that it keeps you interested. It makes idle time worthwhile. It tells a lot about the passions of a person. That is w
Coins And Stamps
Being in charge of their busy lives, most people would find the enticement of other activities that would fill the emptiness that stress and pressures could bring into their existence. The sense of being able to create something that not all people share the same degree of gratification would simply
Collecting And Investing In Rare Stamps
Collecting Coins And Stamps
People who have plenty of time to spare can do a lot of things. Some suggest of getting of getting into sports while others can get a hobby.
Collecting Specialty Stamps
Many stamp collectors observe the price value of special stamps and limited edition stamps. They take it as an important source for their investment and profit. Specialized collectors limit their interests on searching only the stamps that they may think have great values and price.
Collecting Stamp Booklets
Postage stamps have been issued in several different formats, all of which are collectible. Many stamp collectors focus solely on stamp booklets as their collecting specialty. For a postal customer, buying a booklet stamps is more convenient. Most stamp booklets will fit into a wallet or a purse. Th
Collecting Stamps Is Fun
Many consider stamp collecting as a fun activity not only for older people but also for kids. It provides a person the pleasure of collecting different types of stamps that he may find in ordinary binders or through his received mail. Some people consider it an exciting hobby. For a beginner, he may
Collecting Stamps That Interest You
Finding the stamp materials that you want can be a challenge for any collector, especially a beginning one. You have to know what is available, as well as where to obtain it. If you collect topical stamps the challenge is even greater, as there is so much material available to collectors.
Collector Dealer & Stamp Supply
Stamp collecting has been one of the most favorite legacy hobbies among stamp enthusiasts. This hobby dates back to as early as 15th and many interesting stories related to this hobby abound.
Confusion Over New Metered Postage Rate
On January 26, 2014 the USPS added a new pricing category called “metered mail” for a single first-class letter. For letters up to the 3.5 ounce weight limit franked with a meter imprint or any “postage evidencing system postage,” the first ounce cost is 48 cents.
Congo Free State Created Bicolored Stamps
From 1185 to 1908, the Congo Free State was a corporate state owned by the Belgian King Leopold II. The king was the sole shareholder and chairman of the Association Internationale Africaine, a dummy corporation with no direct connection to the Belgian government.
Council Of Hobby Proposed
Mark Reasoner, president of the American Stamp Dealer’s Association, is proposing the creation of a standing council of 11 hobby leaders and representatives. The purpose of the proposed council has three goals to accomplish: recruit Internet-only collectors and dealers into organized philately, recr
Creating Collection Boundaries
If you are collecting flags on stamps, you can easily pick out the red-white-and-blue U.S. flag. The U.S. has issued dozens of stamps depicting our glorious flag. As such, anytime you see a U.S. stamp with the familiar symbol, you will likely add this stamp to your collection. Most U.S. stamps depic
Dealing With Stamp Dealers
Working with a stamp dealer is not the same as going down to your local hardware store to buy a screwdriver. A good stamp dealer will take an interest in what you are collecting.
Detecting Forged Stamps
If you don’t know which stamps in your collection are subject to forging, you may not realize that you may have any fakes in your collection until you decide to sell off your collection. Once a fake is spotted in your collection, your whole collection will come under a greater scrutiny.
Dictators On Stamps Of The World.
A dictator is defined as a ruler with total power over a country. The term originated from the ancient Romans. During the Roman Republic circa 509=27 B.C., a dictator wan an extraordinary magistrate appointed by the senate in times of emergency. Roman dictators were given absolute power for a limite
Difference between A Stamp’s Condition And Grade
In essence stamps are nothing more than small pieces of paper. One can not emphasize the fragile nature of stamps enough.
Different Types Of Stamps
For many years, stamps have been a significant part of man’s history. In fact, it has been known as the single most motivating force for people to infuse history into the modern world of information technology. This goes to show that in spite of the various gadgets and mechanisms that we have been a
Do You Need Stamp Expertizing?
Stamp expertizing is needed when a stamp cover looks too good to be true, when an unlisted error is "discovered" for an old stamp, and when the stamp issue has a history of being subjected to a lot of fakery. Underlying these reasons are two others: you don't have the experience to authenticate a st
Donating Stamps To A Charity
Now that is it is tax season, a discussion on donating a stamp collection may be in order. I am not a tax expert and am not offering legal advice here.
Don’t Forget Your Local Postal Clerk
Have you ever had something you wanted to do but the task has the appearance of a daunting threshold--something like wanting to be a stamp collector to actually becoming one. Perhaps you have other desires that are similar in nature. Well no matter how you begin or in which direction you go to colle
Early Advertising Covers
Some of the most attractive and interesting early United States postal products are advertising covers that are not addressed to a specific person but to an entire class of people. These ad covers were sent to people who would have been the likely consumers of the product advertised. the modern eq
EBay Scraps Stamp Review Program
The giant online Internet auction site eBay, has discontinued two programs that were created to protect collectors from fake and questionable sales. The two programs reviewed stamp and coin sales on its auction website. The closings were not well publicized to the public at large.
End Of Domestic Airmail Service
As the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end, and such came to pass for domestic airmail service on May 1, 1977. This was two weeks shy of airmail’s 59th birthday.
Entering The Auction Type That You Like
Many types of auctions exist, and finding out which type is right for you can be a challenge. Each type of auction has its own gray areas relative to type. The terms of sale are usually stated in the printed auction catalog or on the auction's website.
Essential Supplies for the Stamp Collector
Collecting stamps is a widely loved hobby all over the world. Stamps are pieces of history which has value that is sought after by the whole world. Collecting stamps is also a hobby that most people can engage into because of the minimal expenses that it requires.
Essential Supplies for the Stamp Collector
Collecting stamps is a widely loved hobby all over the world. Stamps are pieces of history which has value that is sought after by the whole world. Collecting stamps is also a hobby that most people can engage into because of the minimal expenses that it requires.
Essential Supplies for the Stamp Collector
Collecting stamps is a widely loved hobby all over the world. Stamps are pieces of history which has value that is sought after by the whole world. Collecting stamps is also a hobby that most people can engage into because of the minimal expenses that it requires.
European Prelude To Stamp Collecting
The world’s oldest stamp collection is believed to belong to the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin. It is an album of revenue stamps and handstamped chargemarks compiled in 1774 by John Bourke, Receiver General of the Stamp Duties.
Evaluating Your Business
You should continually evaluate your auctions. You must figure out what wording and what pricing works best. Are all of your stamp auctions selling successfully?
Exhibiting Stamps By Function
There are many reasons why postal history exhibits dominate most stamp shows. Perhaps the story is easier to tell, or maybe it is something of a more cyclical nature. Whatever the reasons, postal history exhibits try to tell a precise story of how covers or postal markings make their way through the
Exhibiting With Some Class
The display class is a newer exhibit category. No doubt it will continue to evolve over time. The Display Class blends together two distinct aspects of stamp collecting into one exhibit.
Expertizing Certificates
Expertizing certificates often tell you more than the primary facts that you wanted to know as to whether the stamp in question is real or a fake. The certificates often note other findings related to the condition of the stamp--or whether certain aspects of a genuine stamps have been "improved."
Extras In Stamp Covers
Many philatelists collect stamps exclusively. Other collectors are only interested in covers, which are envelopes, postal stationary or similar items that have been postmarked or traveled through the mail.
Facts About Stamp Values
As the old saying goes, you will never see or realize the value of something unless it is gone. In stamp collecting, stamps do not have to disappear, or go kaput, before anyone knows or considers their value. In fact, people and collectors have long been knowledgeable about the value of stamps, whic
Fake Computer Generated Stamps
Many varieties of computer-vended stamps can now be found on mail. Some of the computer-generated fakes feature the Mr. ZIP design that are sold in the Automated Postal Center machines found in many post office lobbies. It is not that uncommon to encounter fake postage labels.
Fake Stamps
You could collect stamps for a very long time and never even come across a fake stamp. But if you actually encountered one, how would you know it is a fake? What about it should arouse your suspicions? After all a fake stamp isn’t going to come with a warning label stating that it is a fake.
Faking It
You could collect stamps for a lifetime, while enjoying the collecting experience immensely, and never come upon a fake stamp. . But if you come upon one, how would you know that the stamp is a fake?
Faking Versus Improving A Stamp
In some hobbies, enhancing or repairing an older item is a common and approved practice. When it come to collecting stamps such practices are simply not tolerated. Refinishing an antique piece of furniture is considered to be OK. Refinishing a rare or antique stamps and offering it for sale as being
Falkland Island Stamps
Over time the Falkland Islands, which is an archipelago of some 778 islands in the South Atlantic. Have been claimed by many nations, beginning with France in 1764, followed soon after by the United Kingdom and Spain. Argentina and Chile have also made efforts to claim the Falklands as their own.
Father Of American Stamp Collecting
At the end of the Civil war in 1865, the stamp hobby had arrived and had taken root in America. Enterprising dealers in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia responded to the new demands of collectors. The stage was set for growth which was going to require a durable infrastructure, professional style,
Finding Buyers For Your Collection
When you started your stamp collection, you may have anticipated keeping it forever. However the time may come when you will have to dispose of your collection for anyone of a number of reasons. You may need the money, you got tired of collecting, health reasons, it doesn’t really matter what the re
Finding Stamps
Many beginning stamp collectors believe it is best to collect stamps within a group or at least in some type of environment within which they can share their experiences and question with a group. For some collectors, this is the best way to start.
First Day Covers Grace Period
A first-day cover is supposed to be cancelled on its first day of being issued. The chances are great that any modern first-day cover you have in your collection may not have been cancelled on the first day of its issuance. Why is this you may ask?
First-Day Cover Collectors Have Their Own Lingo
Much as mainstream stamp collectors have their own terms for their collecting, first-day cover collectors have their own language. This is especially true here in the U.S. The Postal Service guidelines allow quite a bit more latitude for creating FDCs than collectors will find in other countries. He
Forever Stamp Helps Post Office’s Bottom Line
Amid of all of the red ink that the United States Postal Office has racked up recently, there is a bit of good news about stamps. The major news is that the Post Office has announced a seventh consecutive year of losses.
Free Stamp Collecting Catalogues
Stamp collecting is a worthwhile hobby. Stamp collecting and philately as well are popularly shared by many people all over the world as their favorite past time. It is one educational endeavor where a person can spend considerable effort and time.
Fun With Stamp Collecting
Many consider stamp collecting as a fun activity not only for older people but also for kids. It provides a person the pleasure of collecting different types of stamps that he may find in ordinary binders or through his received mail. Some people consider it an exciting hobby. For a beginner, he may
Funny Thing About Albums
First, they hold memories – preserve remembrances of your son’s 10th birthday party somewhere in a busy downtown restaurant in Rio de Janeiro, the volleyball tournament on the beach that hot summer day, the forbidden snap shot of a famous painting in the museum that you got reprimanded for, security
Further Preparations To Sell Your Stamps
After scanning the stamps, you may need to do some tweaking to the various stamp’s images. If the images are not straight, you will need to rotate the image until it is straight in appearance.
Future Postage Increase Is Up In The Air
The United States Postal Service recently announced that it will not raise stamp prices in January of 2015. As such you can expect the current stamp pricing to remain in effect through the holiday season and into the early part of 2015.
Get Started with Your Stamp Collection
Collecting stamp is a very famous hobby. It is a very easy activity that provides fun to many. If you would like to start your own collection of stamps, here is how to get started
Getting Bids For Your Auction
With a great auction title and a good description you should have gotten some bids on your auction. Once the auction has ended you need to contact the winning bidder and provide them with a complete price including the shipping costs and how to send their payment to you.
Getting Stamps from a Reputable Supplier
The internet has changed how people send mail. Until such time that technology finds a way to transport packages in the same manner, stamps will still be used to get documents and parcels from one destination to another.
Getting StampsFfrom A Reputable Supplier
The internet has changed how people send mail. Until such time that technology finds a way to transport packages in the same manner, stamps will still be used to get documents and parcels from one destination to another.
Getting Started Collecting Stamps
Collecting stamp is a very famous hobby. It is a very easy activity that provides fun to many.
Getting The Most From A Stamp Auction
There are many ways to acquire stamps for your collection. One overlooked option by novice collectors are stamp auctions. Participating in an auction can be either a pleasant or a very frustrating experience. If you have never participated in a stamp auction, here are some tips to take much of the
Getting Your Stamp Collection Appraised
There may come a time when you need to find out how much your stamp collection is worth. Depending on where you live, there may not be a company near you that you could trust to do an appraisal of your collection.
Auctions can be a fun way to add stamps to your collection...unless your emotions get the best of you and cause you to overspend beyond your budget
Great Britain’s Decimal Day, Feb. 15, 1971
Finally, it had taken more than a century of discussion, to have reached this point. But after following many studies and committee reports, the announcement from the British Chancellor of the Exchequer came in March 1966 that the United Kingdom would decimalize the pound.
Great Stamp Collectors
Stamp collecting is one hobby that is loved all over the world. Aside from the wonderful experience that stamps give to the collectors, it is also a very inexpensive hobby.
Growing A Stamp Collector
Getting children hooked on stamp collecting at an early age can be a challenge. You have to keep from being too judgmental in there collecting endeavors. When you are both engaged in the hobby the children should be considered to be as equal as much as possible.
Growing Up With A Stamp Collection
Helping your children start and grow a stamp collection can be a big positive factor in reading development.
Guide To Stamp Collecting And Stamp Values
Through stamp collecting, one discovers educational information about sports, science, history, arts, currency, animals, rituals and customs of different countries and their people.
Guide To Stamp Values
Through stamp collecting, one discovers educational information about sports, science, history, arts, currency, animals, rituals and customs of different countries and their people.
Gumming Things Up
Stamp collectors refer to the adhesive substance on the back of a stamp, which traditionally needed to be moistened to stick the stamp to an envelope as “gum.” The term is taken from the words gum arabic, which is a derivative of the acacia tree.
Happy Stamp Collecting
Philately, or the study of stamps, is a huge field of study that has captured the attention of many Americans over the years. This fascination with stamps and the history that surrounds them has led to a hobby related to philately, which is collecting stamps.
Happy Stamp Collectors
Philately, or the study of stamps, is a huge field of study that has captured the attention of many Americans over the years. This fascination with stamps and the history that surrounds them has led to a hobby related to philately, which is collecting stamps.
Harry Potter Stamps Still Controversial
There is still a lot of controversy about the Harry Potter Stamp Series. Traditionally, only famous dead people, events, things worth commemorating, etc. have been featured on American stamps.
Have A Plan For Your Exhibit
At any stage of building your stamp exhibit, keep track of your budget and expenses. Building a competitive exhibit is great but you have to keep the cost into perspective. You should distinguish your exhibit through the level of research and knowledge involved rather than how expensive the material
Historic Stamp Contents
“You can’t tell a book by its cover.” This is an old adage you may be familiar with. This adage can also be applied to postal history too. You really can’t tell the interest of a cover until you read the contents of the cover.
Hobbies in the Form of Stamps and Coins
By definition, when an object is considered as a work of art, it simply means that the object is the result of a creation of an item using the valuable application of a mass of expertise along with an array of talents and cleverness.
Hobbies in the Form of Stamps and Coins
By definition, when an object is considered as a work of art, it simply means that the object is the result of a creation of an item using the valuable application of a mass of expertise along with an array of talents and cleverness.
Hobbies in the Form of Stamps and Coins
Life is an art.
And so goes a saying. But where people find things of profound interests, experts say that it is a form of art as well.
How Are U.S. Stamps Designed?
The U.S Postal Service takes total responsibility for all postage stamp designs. However the government does not review or accept unsolicited artwork or other types of designs. One reason for this, would be the sheer number of submissions that they would likely receive if they did review unsolicite
How Collectible Stamps Are Valued
Stamps have been a ubiquitous part of everyday life. After all, stamps are one of the ingenious ways devised by the postal services in order to facilitate payment for the delivery of letters, mail equivalents, packets, and the like. Because of the ubiquity of stamps, it is inevitable that many indiv
How Does A Stamp Appreciates In Value?
A stamp will appreciate in value when the demand for it exceeds the supply. The stamp collecting community realizes this fact and makes adjustments accordingly. This process happens for some stamps that are traded regularly
How Stamp Collecting Should Work
Stamp collecting is a very old hobby and is considered to be one of the most popular hobbies in the world. Though there is not that much money that can be made from this hobby unlike collecting coins, some people just do it for the fun of it.
How Stamp Collectors Work
Stamp collecting is a very old hobby and is considered to be one of the most popular hobbies in the world. Though there is not that much money that can be made from this hobby unlike collecting coins, some people just do it for the fun of it.
How Stamps Are Valued
Stamp collecting is not exactly a new trend sweeping through the world; In fact, philately (or the study of stamps), and stamp collecting have been of interest to many enthusiasts for over centuries. In fact, the American Philatelic Society (APS), which is the biggest congregation of philatelists an
How the Stamp Collector Should Work
Stamp collecting is a very old hobby and is considered to be one of the most popular hobbies in the world. Though there is not that much money that can be made from this hobby unlike collecting coins, some people just do it for the fun of it.
How To Become A Collector
Stamp collecting is one of the most popular hobbies of many Americans and other cultures. It may be weird to some people who do not understand the joy people get from collecting stamps. Stamp collectors find it satisfying to see their huge collection of stamps from different countries, each depictin
How to Become a Stamp Collector
Stamp collecting is one of the most popular hobbies of many Americans and other cultures. It may be weird to some people who do not understand the joy people get from collecting stamps. Stamp collectors find it satisfying to see their huge collection of stamps from different countries, each depictin
How To Build A Competitive Exhibit
Presenting the important components of a competitive stamp exhibit is relatively simple. Refining these components, to make your exhibit a contender for the top award in any competition is another matter. However, you have to start somewhere.
How To Care For Your Stamps
Collecting stamps, for some people, is more than just a hobby—it’s a lifestyle. In fact, the world has been witness to decades upon decades of stamp collecting.
How To Collect Coins And Stamps
People who have plenty of time to spare can do a lot of things. Some suggest of getting of getting into sports while others can get a hobby. Those who want a good challenge can do more than one hobby at the same time. A good challenge will be in two of the most popular hobbies in the world namely co
How To Collect Postage Stamps
Stamp collectors, enthusiasts, and philatelists take so much interest in stamps because of the interesting story told by each stamp, and even by each stamp issue. There are a huge variety of things that may be collected in relation to stamps, and each individual collector can make a choice over cate
How To Collect Specialty Stamps
Many stamp collectors observe the price value of special stamps and limited edition stamps. They take it as an important source for their investment and profit.
How To Detect Stamp Errors
Stamp collectors spend hours looking for errors. It seems that laughing at people's mistakes is a favorite human pastime. The same theory goes for stamp collecting. Collectors have a great time when they do spot an error.
How To Do It
Now that you have acquired some stamps and have them organized, it is now time to prepare them for resale. Remember to always handle your stamps with stamp tongs! This point can never be emphasized enough. Next we will cover some steps on how to sell your new stamps for a profit.
How to Get Started With Your Stamp Collection
Collecting stamp is a very famous hobby. It is a very easy activity that provides fun to many.
How To Judge And Grade Stamps
As you already know, stamp collecting is a worthwhile and fulfilled hobby. But you may not be aware that collecting stamps could be a lucrative hobby.
How to Keep Stamps Fine-and-Dandy!
Collecting stamps, for some people, is more than just a hobby—it’s a lifestyle. In fact, the world has been witness to decades upon decades of stamp collecting. Case in point: the American Philatelic Society (APS) with its 44, 000 members—the biggest membership in the entire world—was founded as ear
How to Keep Stamps Fine-and-Dandy!
Collecting stamps, for some people, is more than just a hobby—it’s a lifestyle. In fact, the world has been witness to decades upon decades of stamp collecting.
How To Keep Stamps In Shape
Collecting stamps, for some people, is more than just a hobby—it’s a lifestyle. In fact, the world has been witness to decades upon decades of stamp collecting. Case in point: the American Philatelic Society (APS) with its 44,000 members—the biggest membership in the entire world—was founded as earl
How to Keep Stamps Safely
Collecting stamps, for some people, is more than just a hobby—it’s a lifestyle. In fact, the world has been witness to decades upon decades of stamp collecting.
How To Learn To Love Cancels
Many stamp collectors, particularly newer ones, generally pass up canceled stamps for mint stamps. Mint stamps have obviously missed out on being sent through the mail and are not defaced by postal markings.
How To Make Money With Stamps
Throughout the last century, fortunes have been earned and lost with stamps. Many collectors have made significant amounts of money over time, while others have lost money as well. The main group that has made money consistently have been stamp dealers. The ability to buy at wholesale prices and sel
How To Make Your Stamp Collection Pay For Itself
Once a stamp collector gets beyond the beginning stages of stamp collecting, the urge comes to make the hobby pay for itself. Of course this isn’t as easy to do as one might think. There are purists that believe it is sacrilege to try to make money collecting stamps.
How To Process Stamps
One of the most exciting ways to collect stamps is to process them while they are still attached to envelopes. It’s a bit like detective work, and doing so is pretty fun and exciting.
How To Sort Stamps Into Lots
If you have been online for any length of time, I am sure you are aware there a number of online auction sites in existence. Of course nearly everyone has heard of eBay, but it isn’t the only auction site on the web, just the biggest and most well known.
How To Spot A Fake Or Forged Stamp
Much like coins are counterfeited or altered, stamps can also be faked, altered, and forged. Since stamps are one of the most collected items in the world, you really need to learn how to spot a fake or altered stamp.
How To Start Collecting Stamps
Stamp collecting is one of the most popular hobbies of many Americans and other cultures. It may be weird to some people who do not understand the joy people get from collecting stamps.
Disposing of “any” stamps is not in the nature of a stamp collector. Emotionally, a stamp collector does not really trade or sell off an item.
Hungarian Soviet Republic Stamps
The most successful of all the Russian Bolsheviks early attempts to export revolution resulted in the establishment of the Hungarian Soviet Republic, which lasted only from March 21 to Aug. 6, 1919.The Hungarian Communist Party was formed in 1918 in Moscow under the leadership of Bela Kun.
Insuring Your Stamp Collection
Stamp collecting is a hobby that can appreciate over time. That is, if you purchase your material wisely and increase the size of your collection accordingly. With the right effort your collection could easily grow in value.
International Reply Coupons And Ponzi Schemes
In mid-December 2008 the Media repeatedly used the term “Ponzi Scheme†to describe Bernard L Madoff’s investment scandal. Few people are even aware of what the original Ponzi scheme was. The original scheme is named after Charles Ponzi, an Italian immigrant.
Inverted Jenny Collector’s Set Sold Out
The United State Post Office had planned to create 5,000 sets of Inverted Jenny stamp if the demand warranted it. As such, only 1,900 sets of the $200 sets have been sold.
Investing In Stamps
Stamp collecting is a very popular hobby that has been around for a long time. The hobby has been so popular that some philatelic enthusiasts take it to serious levels involving money. Stamp investing has become a serious business, so serious that it goes way beyond normal stamp collecting.
Is A Stamp Expertizing Certificate Necessary?
One question many stamp collectors ask: “Is it cost effective to get a certificate of genuineness when a stamp has a catalog value under$100 and the sale value might be half of that or less?” And what if you have an uncatalogued variety that is relatively minor but important enough to your study of
Is A Stamp worth Expertizing?
In order to expertize a stamp, you need the right tools available to you. These tools are readily available to most stamp collectors. Once you have acquired them you need to learn how to use them, in order to make the types of judgment real expertise’s make.
Is An Expertizing Certificate Worth Getting?
Is it cost effective to get a certificate of genuineness when a stamp has a catalog value $100, or less, and the sale value may be half of that or less? And what if you have an uncataloged variety that is relatively minor, but important to your study of a given issue?
Is Collecting Stamps Expensive
Every hobby has its expenses and stamp collecting is no exception to this rule. With a hobby, you have some control over how much money you want to spend on it. Granted you may not have any judgment and just jump in and spend your money recklessly. But stamp collecting can be done on the cheap.
Is Stamp Expertizing Needed?
Is stamp expertizing required? Sometimes the answer is no. There are number of items to look for on the front of United States stamps that can immediately rule them out as being genuine, so that expertization will not be required. All that is required is that you know what to look for and that you
Is Your Stamp An Overprint?
What is an overprint? An overprint is an additional printing on a stamp that was not part of the original design and causes the stamp to be considered to be a new stamp. After the overprint is applied, the stamps takes on a new identity.
It All Hinges On The Gum
The adhesive substance on the back of stamps is called bum. The term derives from the words gum arabic which is a derivative of the acacia tree found in Africa. Before the introduction of self-adhesive stamps, additional forms of gum came into use in stamp production.
Joy Of Collecting
An introduction to collecting stamps.
Joys Of Collecting Stamps
Philately, or the study of stamps, is a huge field of study that has captured the attention of many Americans over the years. This fascination with stamps and the history that surrounds them has led to a hobby related to philately, which is collecting stamps.
Keeping An Inventory Of Your Stamps
When analyzed from the outside, stamp collecting is little more than a bunch of data, text and illustrations. Over the years a number of software programs have been introduced for stamp collectors.
Keeping Your Stamps Safe
Collecting stamps, for some people, is more than just a hobby—it’s a lifestyle. In fact, the world has been witness to decades upon decades of stamp collecting. Case in point: the American Philatelic Society (APS) with its 44,000 members—the biggest membership in the entire world—was founded as earl
Land of the Free and Happy Philatelists
Philately, or the study of stamps, is a huge field of study that has captured the attention of many Americans over the years. This fascination with stamps and the history that surrounds them has led to a hobby related to philately, which is collecting stamps.
Land of the Free and Happy Philatelists
Philately, or the study of stamps, is a huge field of study that has captured the attention of many Americans over the years. This fascination with stamps and the history that surrounds them has led to a hobby related to philately, which is collecting stamps.
Land of the Free and Happy Philatelists
Philately, or the study of stamps, is a huge field of study that has captured the attention of many Americans over the years. This fascination with stamps and the history that surrounds them has led to a hobby related to philately, which is collecting stamps.
Late-Fee Postal Markings
Prior to the invention and increased public use of the telegraph and telephone in the 19th century, people primarily communicated long distance by mail. When they had a message to send, they often wanted it to get to its destination as quickly as possible.
Lay The Foundation
Before you decide to start housing your stamp collection, you need to do some preplanning. This can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. One of the first things you need to consider is to make sure that your storage location is dry and not subject to extreme temperature swings.
Laying The Proper Foundation
If you have ever built a home, had a house built for you, or watched the construction of any building, you know that site preparation and building a proper foundation are essential to the overall structure. Before the labor on the aesthetic elements of the building begins, considerable attention mus
Learning The Lingo
Like any hobby, stamp collecting has its own lingo. If you are going to be a serious collector, you need to know the lingo. Stamp collecting as a hobby dates back to the 1840s, when the first stamp known as the “Penny Black” was issued by Great Britain. Is Approved By Google Into Google News has announced that they have been approved as a Google News publisher. Their website is now included in results for Google News searches and in Gmail Google news alerts. Google News offers users the ability to personalize the content that appears on the news site.
Locating A great Stamp Dealer
Working with a stamp dealer is not the same as dealing with your local hardware when you decide to purchase some electrical tape or a similar item. A good stamp dealer will take an interest in what stamps you are collecting. He should be keeping an eye on what items that you may be interested in add
Looking Through A Stamp Catalog
Stamps have three basic values:
• Catalogue value.
• Market value.
• Resale value.
Make Stamp Collecting A Family Affair
Making Money Collecting Stamps
Stamp collecting is considered to be one of the most popular hobbies in the world. This is despite the fact that there is not that much money that can be made from it even if the person has some of the oldest stamps dating back to the 19th century.
Making Stamp Collecting Friends Online
No matter how many local stamp clubs exist or how many people may attend the various stamp shows and bourses week to week, stamp collecting is generally a haven for introverts.
Making The Grade
Most postage stamps are nothing more than small fragile pieces of paper. One cannot emphasize the “fragile” nature of stamps enough. While stamps are nearly always printed on high-quality paper which should last for a very long time, a stamp’s longevity can be cut short by improper care.
Manufacturing Rarities
Stamp collectors from around the world are highly irritated by the fact that the United States Postal Service continues to reissue rare stamps for revenue! Most collectors consider that a true philatelic rarity does not happen "intentionally," but is usually known an publicized through individual's
Matching Stamp Parameters With Finds
You will find stamps in a variety of forms. The same design that you can find on a single stamp could also be on a souvenir sheet, and/or part of a miniature sheet.
Meeting Stamp Collectors Online
Momentous Canadian Stamp Collecting
Since its inception on May 6, 1840, “postage stamps” had been a part of history as it unfolds the greatest line of creations that the society is enjoying up to this day.
Nail Your Topic
A topical or thematic exhibit should incorporate an understanding of how a stamp is produced with the development of a story based on the stamp designs. Topical/thematic collections are normally devoted to a single subjects such as ships, soccer, primitive crafts, or music.
Neighbor Stamp Collecting
Stamp collecting is one of the most popular hobbies among Canadians. Canada has great respect on Stamp collecting which dates back to as early as the 17th century.
New Postal Organizations In Kyrgyzstan
There is a new wrinkle in a postal service competition which has come to light in Central Asia. with this new wrinkle comes some new stamps from a new postal entity. Kyrgz Express Postal, a company created in 2012, became the second postal organization to be granted permission to provide services wi
New Technologies Make Stamp Resubmissions Welcome
Passing references have been made in some stamp collecting publications about resubmitting items for expertization that have come back with no, or negative opinions. One recent article highlights new technologies that invite collectors to resubmit items for certification.
New Tools For Stamp Collecting
Most examinations of stamps have not progressed very far from using a magnifying glass, perforation gauge, or watermark fluid, or some combination of these techniques. The previous two decades have witnessed several remarkable advances in the use of analytical methods to study stamps.
Not So Surprising Postal Legislation Proposal
Nearly everyone know about the Post Office’s financial woes and the inability of Congress to do anything constructive towards it. The latest legislative proposal is more evidence for this statement. House Speaker John Boehner and the Majority Leader Eric Cantor adopted an idea to use the estimated s
Obstacles To Merging Regular And Airmail
While merging airmail service with the regular services would seem to have been easy on paper, it was anything but in reality. Just two months before the postal services had switched from government stewardship to something of a more independently supervised business arrangement, the railroad passen
Obtaining Stamps From Dealers
The internet has changed how people send mail. Until such time that technology finds a way to transport packages in the same manner, stamps will still be used to get documents and parcels from one destination to another. Stamps are not just used for packages when it goes through the post office. Peo
One Of Our Oldest Hobbies
Stamp collecting is probably one of man’s older pursuits that can be labeled “wholesome” and “promising.”
Other Online Ways To Connect With Stamp Collectors
There are a number of ways to use the Internet to connect with other stamp collectors. There are specialty clubs online that one can join, depending on what your particular interests are.
Overprints And Surcharges Great To Collect
Defined simply, a stamp overprint is one that has any printing added over the original completed design of the stamp. This overprinting can include a surcharge which is an overprinted marking that changes or restates the stamp's denomination. Also included in this definition are other images or word
Paper For Stamps
Paper comes in such a wide variety of different types it is hard to say how long it would take you to list all of them. Fortunately, you only need to be aware of only a few types.
Philatelic Book Of Secrets
With the publication of Vol. 2 of the Philatelic Book of Secrets stamp collectors can become more knowledgeable about stamp expertizing. This book is a special edition of Stamp Market Quarterly, the expertizing firm's official publication.
Philatelic Buzz
In most states and counties, it is common to find a variety of groups catering to the hobby of collecting stamps. People engage in stamp collecting as a general interest; other times they are in it because of the possibility of profit in collecting rare stamps. This profit comes from the fact that s
Picking your Exhibit’s Category
Competitive stamp exhibiting continues to evolve as time goes on. Each country’s national philatelic federation sets the guidelines for the shows that are under its control, while the International Federation of Philately sets its guidelines for the shows for which it gives patronage to.
Plan A Productive Stamp Collecting Winter
Winter can be a great time to work on your stamp collection, especially if the weather in your area keeps you indoors. There will always be something in your collection that needs attending to. But with the busy lives that we lead today, we tend to put these chores off. Don't procrastinate and set
Planning And Theming Your Collection
If you plan on collecting a particular country’s stamps, you will be seeking out stamps that are indentified as being issued by that country. If you are collecting stamps as a particular topic, then you are seeking stamps that have as part of their design, a recognizable depiction of a person, place
Post Office Breaking With Tradition
Recently the Post Office issued a series of stamps that honors the Harry Potter characters. What is radical about them is that some of the stamps feature the images of the actors playing the various Harry Potter characters. Here the Post Office is getting into a grey area.
Post Office Has No Clout
We all know about the financial woes of the Post Office and Congresses’ seeming inability to deal with the issues. The simple fact is that the Post Office is powerless in asking Congress to deal with the continuing deficits it keeps facing.
Post Office Leaves Tradition Behind
Traditionally, the U.S. Post Office has catered to stamp collectors rather than marketing stamps towards non-collectors. Apparently this tradition is falling by the wayside.
Post Office Temporarily Halts Plant Closures
Megan Brennan, the New Postmaster of the United States Postal Service, has announced that Postal Service has halted plans to close upwards of 82 mail processing plants this year. One commentator has called this move “an early sign of enlightened leadership” by the new Postmaster.
Postage Stamp Collecting
Stamp collecting has become one of the most loved hobbies of people throughout the world. A stamp contains a piece of time and a piece of place and that’s why people love collecting them.
Postage Stamps Work better For Junk Mail
With the advent of machines that can weigh a package and then print out a computerized label for postage, all in one quick transaction, why do postages stamps still exist? No they are not being printed for the exclusive use by collectors to put into a stamp album.
Postal Administration Needs Accurate Stamp Designs
Does a postal administration have an obligation to produce accurate representations on its stamps? If you live in one of the nations whose philatelic agents churn out stamps with little regard to accuracy or whether the stamps are used on mail within the issuing country, the answer is probably none.
Postal Mail Examination Program
This article is a bit off-topic, but one you will certainly be interested in. You may think you have privacy with your mail delivery, but such isn’t the case at all. Recently the United States Postal Service’s Inspector General found a number shortcomings in a particular program that allows the Post
Postal Service Struggles To Meet Delivery Goals
A new government report if probably going to fuel concerns that mail deliveries are suffering because the U.S. Postal Service continues to struggle with what has been terms “the new normal.” A July 7, 2015 report comes from the Postal Regulatory Commission, which has found that the USPS has failed t
Postal Stamp Collecting
Even before many philatelists thought up the hobby of stamp collecting, it is rather obvious that the act of exchanging letters through a centralized system that would recognize stamps as payment to cover carriage costs would have to be put in place. The American Philatelic Society (APS), which is t
Postal Union At Odds With Post Office
The on-going saga of the Post Office continues onward. The American Postal Workers Union is butting heads with The Post Office over a USPS plan to sell stamps and other postal items through Staples, which is a retail office supply chain of stores. The Post Office’s plan is to equip 84 Staples stores
Posting Your Stamp Lots Online
When you have your stamp lots sorted out and made up, you will need to scan them or take clear photos of them. Once this is done you are ready to start posting them to the online auction. In order to sell your stamps at an online auction site you will need to register as a seller.
Many collectors have wondered if there is such a thing as a pre-expertizing service available to stamp collectors. If you are like many collectors, you probably have a variety of stamps that you would like to have expertized and/or get numerical grades for. But you the cost to do this is going to co
Prepostage Versus On Receipt
Before postage stamps arrived on the scene in 1840, whoever received the mail had to pay for the postage. Think what a nightmare this would be today with all of the junk mail that you receive, especially the political junk mail. You would be required to pay the postage on all of the junk mail that y
Preserving A Stamp’s Condition
Once a stamp comes off the printing press the direction its condition can go is down. However there are a number of things that you can do to slow down this inevitable process
Prices And Values Of Stamps
Stamps have been a ubiquitous part of everyday life. After all, stamps are one of the ingenious ways devised by the postal services in order to facilitate payment for the delivery of letters, mail equivalents, packets, and the like. Because of the ubiquity of stamps, it is inevitable that many indiv
Pricing Stamps
Stamp collecting is not exactly a new trend sweeping through the world; In fact, philately (or the study of stamps), and stamp collecting have been of interest to many enthusiasts for over centuries. In fact, the American Philatelic Society (APS), which is the biggest congregation of philatelists an
Profitable Stamp And Coin Collecting
Ever since the world began, humans were born to get busy. This is the main reason why most of the people are engaged into different activities life sports and different hobbies especially if they have nothing to do.
Rare Stamp Investing
Most people who get into stamp collecting do so for the fun of it. A few people buy stamps in the hopes of making massive profits. Sadly most of these individuals are going to be disappointed when they attempt to cash their “rare” stamps in for the jackpot.
Real Deal about Stamp Collecting Prices
Stamps have been a ubiquitous part of everyday life. After all, stamps are one of the ingenious ways devised by the postal services in order to facilitate payment for the delivery of letters, mail equivalents, packets, and the like.
Real Deal about Stamp Collecting Prices
Stamps have been a ubiquitous part of everyday life. After all, stamps are one of the ingenious ways devised by the postal services in order to facilitate payment for the delivery of letters, mail equivalents, packets, and the like. Because of the ubiquity of stamps, it is inevitable that many indiv
Real Deal about Stamp Collecting Prices
Stamps have been a ubiquitous part of everyday life. After all, stamps are one of the ingenious ways devised by the postal services in order to facilitate payment for the delivery of letters, mail equivalents, packets, and the like. Because of the ubiquity of stamps, it is inevitable that many indiv
Real Story On Stamp Values
Stamps have been a ubiquitous part of everyday life. After all, stamps are one of the ingenious ways devised by the postal services in order to facilitate payment for the delivery of letters, mail equivalents, packets, and the like. Because of the ubiquity of stamps, it is inevitable that many indiv
Reprinting Classic Stamps
Reprints of original stamps are another form of stamp forgery, but only if the reprints are not identified as being a reprint or replica. The country that originally issued the stamps that are valuable may often offer reprints.
Resources For Collectors
Stamp collecting is an enriching hobby because it has educational and cultural value. In about six months, you shall have learned about countries and special events, and a lot about the stamp collecting industry as well. You will probably meet a lot of interesting fellow collectors with whom you c
Resources For Stamp Collectors
Stamp collecting is an enriching hobby because it has educational and cultural value. In about six months, you will have learned about countries and special events, and a lot about the stamp collecting industry as well.
Rhodes Knights Hospitaller Stamps
Rhodes is an island that lies 11 miles off the southwestern coast of Turkey. It is the largest of the Greek Dodecanese islands. Rhodes has changed ownership many times over the centuries. It has been part of the Persian, Macedonian, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman empires.
Romanian Nostradamus Stamps
Nostradamus is a name that most people know, even if they don't know much about the man behind the name. Nostradamus was born Michel de Nostredame in December 1503 in Saint-Remy-Provence, France. Leaving the University of Avignon after an outbreak of the plague, he became a traveling apothecary, exp
Royal Mint Changes Fees For Underpaid Mail
Great Britain's Royal Mail has introduced a much simpler flat-rate charge structure for most letters and packages that are franked with insufficient postage or none at all. An Oct. 2 press release from the Royal Mail indicates that the new pricing structure was to go into effect on Oct 5.
Scammers Targeting Self-Service Kiosks
There have been reports that self-service kiosks at post offices in 13 state and the District of Columbia have been targeted by criminals who place devices on the machines that record debit card information. One postal official has stated that an investigation is underway, but offered no details on
Scott Pocket Stamp Catalog
If you are a budding stamp collector or one who has been away from collecting for a while, the Scott publishing Company has a new catalog out you may be interested in. Scott Publishing Company is well known for the stamp catalogs they print that are the premier reference works on stamps and their va
Searching For Stamps Beyond Your Home
It used to be that you could get a lot of stamps from the mail that you receive. With the advent of the Internet, times have changed. It isn’t possible to receive the amount of used stamps that was possible just a few years ago.
Seeking Out Stamp Collecting Buddies
Although being a solitary stamp collector has its advantages, the time will come when you may want to find some other folks to share the joys of your hobby with. Man is not a solitary creature we crave social interactions, no matter how much some people claim otherwise.
Selling A Stamp Collection
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. I am sure you have heard this time worn words of wisdom. This can apply to you if you inherited a stamp collection from a relative.
Selling Your Stamp Stash
One good thing about stamp collecting is that you can sell off your collection whenever you desire to do so. Of course you may be disappointed at what your collection will bring if it only consists of common stamps. Commonly available stamps rarely appreciate significantly in value. There is nothing
Set Up Your Own Stamp Export Business
Exports of various collector items such as antiques, artwork, and stamps can be a thriving niche market.
Setting Up A Workspace
You will need to set up some type of a work area where your stamps can be spread out and not be damaged. Ideally this would be a separate room with a big desk and a computer. Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal world, so you will have to make do with what you do have available.
Showing Off Your Stamps
As you build up your stamp collection over time, you may develop a strong desire to show off your collection to other collectors, your friends, and family. You may even fantasize about showing your collection to people beyond your immediate circle of friends and family.
Soaking Your Stamps
Soaking stamps might seem to be an oxymoron idea, but in reality, it isn’t. This refers to the process of removing stamps that have been used for postage from the envelope they are attached to.
Some Stamp Collecting Lingo
Much like any other hobby, stamp collecting has its own terms and special lingo. In this article a few of these terms will be explained.
Some Stamp Collecting Terms
Like any hobby stamp collecting has its own jargon and terminology that the beginning collector needs to learn.
Terms that relate to stamp collecting are very important and help the collector know more about the particular stamps they are collecting.
Some Stamp Collecting Thoughts
Stamp collecting does not have any rules! You are free to collect how and what you want, only limited by your budget. Of course with that said, you really need to know what stamps are available to collect.
Some Things About Exhibiting Stamps
Once you decide to start exhibiting your stamps, you will begin to find out many of the things that are involved in the process. You will discover things, like how other collectors look at your stamps, finding out more about the stamps you are showing, and other similar stuff.
Some Things Coin And Stamp Collectors Need To Know
Being in charge of their busy lives, most people would find the enticement of other activities that would fill the emptiness that stress and pressures could bring into their existence.
Some Thoughts On Stamp Collecting
through stamp collecting, one discovers educational information about sports, science, history, arts, currency, animals, rituals and customs of different countries and their people.
Some Ways Of Collecting Stamps
For the uninitiated, stamp collecting is the hobby of collecting stamps from around the globe. Technically, a stamp collection is a philatelic collection.
Specializing In What You Collect
People have different hobbies. They can dedicate their free time to anything that makes them interested and happy. As such, the choice of hobby of any person will also tell a lot about his or her personality. An athletic person will spend the pastime playing sports and games. The creative ones will
Specialty Stamp Groups
Specialty stamp groups are as varied as the stamps they specialize in, and of course they vary considerably in size.
Stamp Albums Are Special
Stamp collectors have their own specialized albums. And as seasoned and professional philatelists will say, “just make sure you have enough pages in your album to hold a lot of stamps.” Some people have been known to keep more stamp albums than photo albums in their attic.
Stamp Auction Tips
There are many ways to acquire stamps for your collection. One overlooked option by novice collectors are stamp auctions. Participating in an auction can be either a pleasant or a very frustrating experience. If you have never participated in a stamp auction, here are some tips to take much of the
Stamp Buying And Selling
Stamp collecting is considered to be one of the most popular hobbies in the world. This is despite the fact that there is not that much money that can be made from it even if the person has some of the oldest stamps dating back to the 19th century.
Stamp Club Hopping
You can make stamp collecting friends many different ways, both locally, or from far away. You never know when a fellow stamp collector can help you complete a part of your collection.
Stamp Club Tips
A quiet revolution has been going on for a number of years now that has far reaching effects for stamp collectors. Very few people today are writing letters and mailing them out. As such fewer commemorative stamps are being seen on letters by collectors. This provides an opportunity for enterprising
Stamp Collecting 101
Thanks to the advent of technology that has made almost any chore less time consuming. Now, more people can indulge more on various hobbies. One age-old past time that never loses its luster is stamp collecting.
Stamp Collecting Albums
Since the dawn of postage stamps, stamp collecting had been one of the most popular hobbies since then. With over 20 million of stamp collectors in the United States alone, stamp collecting is definitely a solid form of leisure pursuit that nobody can easily eliminate in the American history.
Stamp Collecting And A stamp's Value
In stamp collecting, stamps do not have to disappear or go kaput before somebody knows or understands their value. In fact, people had long been knowledgeable about the value of stamps that is why stamp collecting was born in the first place.
Stamp Collecting And Stamp Values
here are a lot of stamp collectors that specializes in collecting presently existing “commemoratives” as their past time. Commemoratives are special stamps which are released for a restricted time by the “post office”. They generally commemorate or celebrate special events or people, such as artists
Stamp Collecting and Value
As the old adage goes, you will never see or realize the value of something unless it is gone.
Stamp Collecting And Values
In stamp collecting, stamps do not have to disappear or go kaput before somebody knows or understands their value. In fact, people had long been knowledgeable about the value of stamps that is why stamp collecting was born in the first place.
Stamp Collecting As A Family Affair
Over the years, much has been said and written about involving the youth in stamp collecting. A true interest in stamp collecting is best developed from within one’s own family.
Stamp Collecting as a Fun Activity
Many consider stamp collecting as a fun activity not only for older people but also for kids. It provides a person the pleasure of collecting different types of stamps that he may find in ordinary binders or through his received mail.
Stamp Collecting As A Hobby
A stamp is a small piece of paper that is glued to the envelope whenever a document or a letter is sent via the post office. This is used both locally and internationally as a fee for the service rendered.
Stamp Collecting As A Money Making Venture
Some people find that they want to move on to other interests. If they like collecting truck memorabilia, they have probably collected everything imaginable within their budget.
Stamp Collecting As An Art
And so goes a saying. But where people find things of profound interests, experts say that it is a form of art as well. By definition, when an object is considered as a work of art, it simply means that the object is the result of a creation of an item using the valuable application of a mass of exp
Stamp Collecting Buzz
In most states and counties, it is common to find a variety of groups catering to the hobby of collecting stamps. People engage in stamp collecting as a general interest; other times they are in it because of the possibility of profit in collecting rare stamps.
Stamp Collecting Can Be Fun
Stamp Collecting may start on a simple gift of stamps given to another person. This can give him the interest in becoming a stamp collector. He could also start collecting by considering it as a hobby.
Stamp Collecting Colors
When you first start to collect stamps, the color of a particular stamp will not be of any importance to you. Until you start searching for different varieties of a given stamp, only then will color differences become significant to you.
Stamp Collecting Details
In most states and counties, it is common to find a variety of groups catering to the hobby of collecting stamps. People engage in stamp collecting as a general interest; other times they are in it because of the possibility of profit in collecting rare stamps.
Stamp Collecting Ecosystem
In a recent article I discussed the graying of stamp dealers and collectors. One could consider these components of a larger ecosystem of sorts. Some experts claim that the stamp collecting ecosystem consists of three major components.
Stamp Collecting Encourages Family Discussions
Getting the whole family involved in stamp collecting can spur a host of discussion possibilities between family members. Under the “talking about stamps” umbrella, an abundant stimulation becomes available.
Stamp Collecting Enjoyment
You will probably meet very few people who say they have never collected anything in their life. But there are people, even when not deliberately collecting a particular object, who tend to have more than one of the same thing. It can be anything - tennis socks of different colors, brand name trai
Stamp Collecting Essentials
Collecting stamps is a widely loved hobby all over the world. Stamps are pieces of history which has value that is sought after by the whole world. Collecting stamps is also a hobby that most people can engage into because of the minimal expenses that it requires.
Stamp Collecting Fun
You will probably meet very few people who say they have never collected anything in their life. But there are people, even when not deliberately collecting a particular object, who tend to have more than one of the same thing.
Stamp Collecting Ideas
A stamp is a small piece of paper that is glued to the envelope whenever a document or a letter is sent via the post office. This is used both locally and internationally as a fee for the service rendered.
Stamp Collecting in Channel Island
People have different hobby. They can dedicate their free time to anything that makes them interested and happy. As such, the choice of hobby of any person will also tell a lot about his or her personality.
Stamp collecting Is A Fascinating Hobby
Stamp collecting is a fascinating hobby. This is a hobby you can start at any age and build a collection of both local and foreign stamps. There are many ways to build such a collection. The easiest place is to start with your own mail. But this is a slow process and you will need to look to other w
Stamp Collecting is Fun
Stamp Collecting may start on a simple gift of stamps given to another person. This can give him the interest in becoming a stamp collector. He could also start collecting by considering it as a hobby.
Stamp Collecting is Fun!
Stamp Collecting may start on a simple gift of stamps given to another person. This can give him the interest in becoming a stamp collector. He could also start collecting by considering it as a hobby.
Stamp Collecting Joys
You will probably meet very few people who say they have never collected anything in their life. But there are people, even when not deliberately collecting a particular object, who tend to have more than one of the same thing. It can be anything – tennis socks of different colors, brand name trai
Stamp Collecting Not An Investment
Stamps have been in and out of the media of late. In June an 1856 one cent British Guiana Magenta stamp fetched around $9.5 million at auction. The selling price no doubt put rare stamp investing into the media spectrum.
Stamp Collecting Now
Obviously the first step is to acquire stamps. Many beginning collectors hardly pay for anything when they’re just starting to build a collection. Talk to your friends and family and colleagues in the office and simply tell them you’d like to have their stamps if they don’t want them.
Stamp Collecting Prices
Stamps have been a ubiquitous part of everyday life. After all, stamps are one of the ingenious ways devised by the postal services in order to facilitate payment for the delivery of letters, mail equivalents, packets, and the like. Because of the ubiquity of stamps, it is inevitable that many indiv
Stamp Collecting Resource Books
Stamp collecting is an enriching hobby because it has educational and cultural value. In about six months, you shall have learned about countries and special events, and a lot about the stamp collecting industry as well. You will probably meet a lot of interesting fellow collectors with whom you c
Stamp Collecting Resources
Stamp collecting has a much larger body of literature and resources than most other hobbies. There are specialized stamp-collecting libraries, which are open as research facilities, and have handbooks and monographs numbering well into the thousands.
Stamp Collecting Terms
The very first stamps that came out did not have
perforations, but cutting them became cumbersome.
Perforating machines came into use to solve this
problem. They punch holes vertically and horizontally
so that stamps can be torn from the sheet more easily.
Stamp Collecting Tools And Supplies
One good thing about stamp collecting is that the tools and supplies for it do not cost a lot in comparison to taking up golf for example. Golfers can spend an amazing amount of money on new clubs, pitching wedges, putters, and other golf accessories.
Stamp Collecting Tools Required For Collecting
Thank goodness, stamp collecting is not as expensive to pursue as skiing or golf, where the tools and equipment can cost thousands of dollars. Plus ski and golf clothes can be expensive in their own right.
Stamp Collecting Traditions
tamp collectors, enthusiasts, and philatelists take so much interest in stamps because of the interesting story told by each stamp, and even by each stamp issue. There are a huge variety of things that may be collected in relation to stamps, and each individual collector can make a choice over categ
Stamp Collecting Values
Stamps have been a ubiquitous part of everyday life. After all, stamps are one of the ingenious ways devised by the postal services in order to facilitate payment for the delivery of letters, mail equivalents, packets, and the like. Because of the ubiquity of stamps, it is inevitable that many indiv
Stamp Collecting With The USPS
Even before many philatelists thought up the hobby of stamp collecting, it is rather obvious that the act of exchanging letters through a centralized system that would recognize stamps as payment to cover carriage costs would have to be put in place. The American Philatelic Society (APS), which is t
Stamp Color Expertizing Issues.
A stamp collector who specializes in collecting 19th century U.S. stamps, stationary, and postal history keeps running into the issue of what colors should the authentic stamps he collects actually appear as? The colors seem to vary making it difficult for him to expertize these stamps on his own.
Stamp Distribution System Mess
The Inspector General of the U.S. Post Office says that the post office’s stamp distribution is a mess. Commemorative stamps are failing to reach many of the post offices in a timely manner for distribution after the series is issued. The report states that “Significant Improvements” will be require
Stamp Fakes
You would have to question the sanity of people who choose to forge stamps. One only has to consider how many things have to be done to make a stamp look like the real thing.
Stamp Faking Versus Improving
In some hobbies, enhancing and older item is condoned and generally considered to be part of doing business. In stamp collecting it is considered to be unethical at the least if not outright fraud.
Stamp Globe Trotting
Over 260 countries issue postage stamps of one kind or another. As the world continues to change, with nations combining, breaking apart, or changing governments, the number of stamp issuing countries will always be in flux.
Stamp Grades
Perhaps you have been wondering how stamp dealers grade stamps. Well this article will provide and overview of this process
Stamp Grades And Stamp Grading
Much like coins, stamps also have grades assigned to them. The grade of a stamp refers to the stamp’s condition.
Stamp Huck Lines
There are two types of varieties that are more than 45 years old that often cause confusion among stamp collectors who like to catch printing flaws: joint lines where they are not expected and plate numbers or design elements with a ghost impression.
Stamp Investing
Stamp collecting is a very popular hobby that has been around for a long time. The hobby has been so popular that some philatelic enthusiasts take it to serious levels involving money. Stamp investing has become a serious business, so serious that it goes way beyond normal stamp collecting.
Stamp Organization And Acquisition
There are many reasons why people collect stamps. Some people collect stamps to learn history, to relive their own histories. Other folks like to look at stamps and enjoy the feelings and emotions that they evoke. And other people collect stamps for investment purposes.
Stamp Paper And Watermarks
Stamp paper comes in so many varieties that you would need at least a couple of days just to lint them. However a decent understanding of the basics of stamp paper is useful. Paper identification can be a critical factor if you intend to collect early issues of some countries.
Stamp Printing Waste
There has been much suspicion ever since color-emitted errors were found on the 15¢ Santa Claus, Christmas Tree Ornament stamp of 1979 that some of these errors came from printer's waste. Printer's waste is incomplete or misprinted, misperforated, and misgummed product that was somehow improperly ta
Stamp Search Engines
When you use Google , Bing, or a similar search engine to look up information about stamps, you will be certain to get information that has nothing to do with stamps. One easy way to avoid these unwanted search results is to use sites that limit their searches to stamps., www.stamps
Stamp Show Checklist
There is a stamp show coming up in the near future near you and you decide you want to attend it. You’ve gone to the trouble to create your want list, and you find it is a bit more substantial than you had expected, but you are anxious to make the trip a success. In order to make this happen, you wi
Stamp Sought For Gay Leader Bayard Rustin
Several groups are lobbying the Post Office to issue a stamp to honor Bayard Rustin who was gay and one of the organizers of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Many of these groups were among the groups that had pressed the Post Office to issue a stamp to honor Harvey Milk, a gay San
Stamp Swapping
When you were a child you may have traded and swapped bubble gum cards, sports cards, marbles, or any number of items that interested you. You can carry this childhood experience into your hobby of stamp collecting. Of course swapping stamps does require a bit more formality than what you probably e
Stamps And Stamp Values
As the old adage goes, you will never see or realize the value of something unless it is gone.
Stamps As Works Of Art
By definition, when an object is considered as a work of art, it simply means that the object is the result of a creation of an item using the valuable application of a mass of expertise along with an array of talents and cleverness.
Stamps That Reach Maturity
The age of a stamp does not determine its ultimate value. Much like books, just because a stamp could be 100 years old, it still will not make it rare or valuable.
Standing Out From The Crowd
If you want to stand out from your competition, you are going to have to do some things to do so. This article will show you how to get ahead of your competition.
Start Collecting Stamps
Obviously the first step is to acquire stamps. Many beginning collectors hardly pay for anything when they're just starting to build a collection. Talk to your friends and family and colleagues in the office and simply tell them you'd like to have their stamps if they don't want them.
Start Your Stamp Collection In 5 Easy Steps
While stamps are the fuel that runs our modern postal system, they didn’t always exist. In the 1840s British letter recipients had to pay to receive their letters.
Starting Your Stamp Collection
Obviously the first step in starting your collection is to acquire some stamps. Many beginning collectors hardly pay for anything when they are just starting their collection.
Stmp Collecting Tips
Collecting stamp is a very famous hobby. It is a very easy activity that provides fun to many. If you would like to start your own collection of stamps, here are ome tips to get you started.
Storing Stamps In An Album
n order for the hobbyist to maintain an existing collection, this should be stored in a safe place free from dirt and other problems. Some people encase it in glass while others put it in a shelf. For people who collect stamps, the best place to preserve it is in an album.
Supplies Needed
Compared to other collectible items, stamp collections only require inexpensive supplies and accessories. These tools are essential in securing, protecting, and preserving any kind of stamps. Each stamp should be handled and cared using these tools to ensure that stamps would last a long time.
Supplies You Need for Your Stamp Collection?
Compared to other collectible items, stamp collections only require inexpensive supplies and accessories. These tools are essential in securing, protecting, and preserving any kind of stamps. Each stamp should be handled and cared using these tools to ensure that stamps would last a long time.
Supplies You Will Need To Collect Stamps
Compared to other collectible items, stamp collections only require inexpensive supplies and accessories. These tools are essential in securing, protecting, and preserving any kind of stamps. Each stamp should be handled and cared using these tools to ensure that stamps would last a long time.
Take A Double Look
Many collectors do not pay enough attention to their stamps. you acquire a stamp, you look long enough at it to find a place for it in your album, and then you move on to the next stamp without giving any thought to the stamp you have just mounted.
Taking Care of Stamps Using an Album
In order for the hobbyist to maintain an existing collection, this should be stored in a safe place free from dirt and other problems.
Taking Note Of The Stamp Market
While a stamp catalog value represents a theoretical approach to the worth of a given stamp based upon research and calculations, the market value is closer to reality. A stamp’s “market value” is the amount that you will pay a stamp dealer for a stamp, set, lot, collection or whatever.
Taking Note Of The Stamp Marketplace
While a stamp’s catalog value represents a theoretical approach to the worth of a stamp, the market value is the true reality of a stamp’s “real” value. Market value is the amount that you pay a dealer for a stamp, set, lot, collection, etc.
Ten Ways To Get Rid Of A Stamp Collection
Disposing of a stamp collection isn’t in the nature of most stamp collectors. From an emotional viewpoint stamp collectors do not really trade or sell stamps.
The 1971 Airmail Transit Test Mailing
Between May and September 1971 a scientific management team conducted extensive tests to evaluate the overnight efficiency of intercity airmail deposited in dedicated collection boxes by 4 p.m.
The Anatomy Of A Stamp
Identifying a stamp can sometimes be a tricky process. Even some of the smallest details can make a big difference. There are two Christmas stamps that feature a picture of Santa Claus on a roof. The only difference between the two is that one of the stamps shows an extra brick in the picture.
The Buzz About Collecting Stamps
In most states and counties, it is common to find a variety of groups catering to the hobby of collecting stamps. People engage in stamp collecting as a general interest; other times they are in it because of the possibility of profit in collecting rare stamps. This profit comes from the fact that s
The Land of the Free and Happy Philatelists
Philately, or the study of stamps, is a huge field of study that has captured the attention of many Americans over the years. This fascination with stamps and the history that surrounds them has led to a hobby related to philately, which is collecting stamps.
The Land of the Free and Happy Philatelists
Philately, or the study of stamps, is a huge field of study that has captured the attention of many Americans over the years. This fascination with stamps and the history that surrounds them has led to a hobby related to philately, which is collecting stamps.
The Market Value Of a Stamp
The market value of any stamp is what you pay for the item. That price could be above or below catalog value, particularly if the grade is higher than called for in the stamp catalog.
The New Tax Threat To Stamp Collecting
Perhaps you have seen one of those TV ads about identity theft protection? I would suggest you pay attention to the next one that comes on TV or Radio; you may soon need their services!
The No Opinion Certificate
You have sent in our latest stamp acquisition to be expertized, and you are confident that the stamp is what you think it is. After the allotted time frame that it takes to have the stamp examined, the certificate finally arrives in the mail. To your surprise, the certificate reads "No opinion." Now
The Pros of Stamp Collecting Albums
Since the dawn of postage stamps, stamp collecting had been one of the most popular hobbies since then. With over 20 million of stamp collectors in the United States alone, stamp collecting is definitely a solid form of leisure pursuit that nobody can easily eliminate in the American history.
The Real Deal about Stamp Collecting Prices
Stamps have been a ubiquitous part of everyday life. After all, stamps are one of the ingenious ways devised by the postal services in order to facilitate payment for the delivery of letters, mail equivalents, packets, and the like. Because of the ubiquity of stamps, it is inevitable that many indiv
The Real Deal about Stamp Collecting Prices
Stamps have been a ubiquitous part of everyday life. After all, stamps are one of the ingenious ways devised by the postal services in order to facilitate payment for the delivery of letters, mail equivalents, packets, and the like.
The Rise And Fall Of Domestic Airmail Service
On July 1, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon announced the opening of the New United States Postal Service to supersede the old Post Office Department. Nixon’s announcement heralded the change as way to replace the old bureaucratic and obsolete cabinet-level government operation with a more nimble. a
The Scoop On Stamp Prices
Stamps have been a ubiquitous part of everyday life. After all, stamps are one of the ingenious ways devised by the postal services in order to facilitate payment for the delivery of letters, mail equivalents, packets, and the like.
The USPS and the World of Stamp Collecting
Even before many philatelists thought up the hobby of stamp collecting, it is rather obvious that the act of exchanging letters through a centralized system that would recognize stamps as payment to cover carriage costs would have to be put in place.
Things That Pose As Stamps
In stamp collecting terminology there are stamp-like items that purport to be stamps but are not considered to be legitimate postage stamps. These stamp-like items are not fakes, counterfeits, or forgeries. They are called “labels.”
Things To Know About Collecting Stamps
A stamp is a small piece of paper that is glued to the envelope whenever a document or a letter is sent via the post office. This is used both locally and internationally as a fee for the service rendered.
Those Wavy Lines On Stamps
If you have ever wondered what those wavy lines on some stamps are, hang on. Unused postage stamps are considered to be "accountable paper," defined by the United States Postal Service as "Paper in a postal facility that holds monetary value and must be accounted for, including postage stock," along
Tips For Collecting Stamps
Thanks to the advent of technology that has made almost any chore less time consuming. Now, more people can indulge more on various hobbies. One age-old past time that never loses its luster is stamp collecting.
Tips on Collecting Canadian Stamps
Stamp is one of the most popular hobbies among Canadians. Canada has great respect on Stamp collecting which dates back to as early as the 17th century.
Too Many Ways Of Collecting Stamps
No doubt you have seen letters posted in various stamp collecting forums by disgruntled beginning stamp collectors who proclaim: “I am going to quit stamp collecting!” for whatever reason. Somehow, I just can’t relate to their comments. There are so many different and interesting ways to collect sta
Thank goodness, stamp collecting is not as expensive a hockey or skiing, where the tools and materials required cost thousands of dollars. Hockey or ski clothes are very expensive.
Tools and Supplies Required For Stamp Collecting
hank goodness, stamp collecting is not as expensive a hockey or skiing, where the tools and materials required cost thousands of dollars. Hockey or ski clothes are very expensive.
Tools You Will Need To Sell Stamps
To really make money selling stamps, there is some equipment that you will need. You may already have some of these items in your possession right now.
Two Things Collectors Should Know
Being in charge of their busy lives, most people would find the enticement of other activities that would fill the emptiness that stress and pressures could bring into their existence.
Types Of Stamp Auctions
Many types of stamp auctions exist, but what you need to know about them is what are the gray areas relative to each type of auction. The terms of sale for each auction types is either in the printed auction catalog or somewhere on the auction’s website.
Types Of Stamp Dealers
Stamp collecting has traditionally been conducted through the mail and dealing with local stamp dealers. For those collectors who have a dealer in their local, buying stamps is generally pretty easy.
Types Of U.S. Postage Stamps
When you think of a “postage stamp,” you will probably think of that little piece of paper you stick on the corner of an envelope that you intend to put into the mail.
U.S. Post Office Teams Up With SpongeBob
The United States Postal Service has teamed up with SpongeBob and the Nickelodon television network in a new campaign that will encourage children to write letters and use the mail.
U.S. Postage Increasing
So much for the non-existent inflation rate that the government keeps trying to convince us does not exist. The price to mail a first-class letter is going to jump to 49 cents.
U.S. Stamp Collecting
Philately, or the study of stamps, is a huge field of study that has captured the attention of many Americans over the years. This fascination with stamps and the history that surrounds them has led to a hobby related to philately, which is collecting stamps.
United Nations Issues LGBT Stamps
Six new stamps from the United Nations Postal Administration promote public education campaign to raise awareness for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender equality. The name of the campaign is "Free & Equal" which is inscribed on each of the six UNPA stamps issued on Feb. 5.
Used Stamps Or Mint Stamps
Stamp collectors have always been presented with a choice of collecting mint stamps or used stamps. Which is better to collect? Collectors have been split over this issue over the years. The overall majority of collectors swing one way or the other with a few collecting both ways.
USPS and the World of Stamp Collecting
Even before many philatelists thought up the hobby of stamp collecting, it is rather obvious that the act of exchanging letters through a centralized system that would recognize stamps as payment to cover carriage costs would have to be put in place. The American Philatelic Society (APS), which is t
USPS Stamp Secrecy
For the revenue starved and hungry United States Postal System, imperforate uncut press sheets seemed like the perfect product. As they can be produced with virtually no added costs, press sheets of imperforate self-adhesive stamps were hot sellers from the moment the first sheets went on sale in Ju
Values Of Stamps
Through stamp collecting, one discovers educational information about sports, science, history, arts, currency, animals, rituals and customs of different countries and their people. The hobby of collecting stamps, also recognized as philately, is among the world’s most interesting and popular hobbie
Valuing Stamps
Stamp collecting is not exactly a new trend sweeping through the world; In fact, philately (or the study of stamps), and stamp collecting have been of interest to many enthusiasts for over centuries. In fact, the American Philatelic Society (APS), which is the biggest congregation of philatelists an
Vanuatu Stamps Document Its Evolution
Vanuatu is an archipelago comprising more than 80 small islands, 12 of them being fairly large, in the western Pacific Ocean. The original inhabitants were Melanesian, and Vanuatu is still considered as being of this cultural identity, but the population today is much more multiracial.
Various Types Of Postage Stamps
Most stamp collectors are aware of the basic purposes that most stamps have such as air mail, general postage, stamped envelopes, post cards, etc.
Venturing Beyond Your Neighborhood.
Once you have exhausted your own neighborhood, it is time to venture further out to look for new acquisitions for your collection.
Watermarks On Postage Stamps
Laid paper comes to be via larger, parallel wires that form a design, which, in theory is a “watermark.” A watermark is an intentially thin area in the finished paper. To put it a different way, a watermark is something that “isn’t,” rather than something that “is.”
We Need New Stamp Dealers
If you have attended a recent stamp show, perhaps you noticed that most of the dealers were sporting gray hair, and without a doubt, most stamp collectors are of the older persuasion to boot. Much has been commented about the lack of young people taking up stamp collecting. Complaints like these hav
What A New Collector Should Do
Stamp collecting is a very old hobby and is considered to be one of the most popular hobbies in the world. Though there is not that much money that can be made from this hobby unlike collecting coins, some people just do it for the fun of it.
What Are Special Stamps?
While snail mail has been on the decline since the advent of email, a lot of people still value and cherish old fashioned writing. Ask anyone in this high-tech world, and most would admit to be excited to see real mail in their old mail box, instead of the usual “junk†mail that we are constantl
What Constitutes A Stamp?
Before postage stamps were adopted in Britain in 1840, whoever received the mail had to pay for the postage due. Imagine having to pay the postage on all of the junk mail you receive these days. You would have to pay the postage on all of the junk mail, postcards, bills and other letters you receive
What Is A Letter?
Beginning in 1852, federal law required full postage to be paid on all letters transported and delivered out of the mails by enclosing them in sealed, dated, and canceled stamped envelopes.
What Is A Stamp Collector
Stamp collecting is one of the most popular hobbies of many Americans and other cultures. It may be weird to some people who do not understand the joy people get from collecting stamps. Stamp collectors find it satisfying to see their huge collection of stamps from different countries, each depictin
What Is A Stamp Collector?
Many consider stamp collecting as a fun activity not only for older people but also for kids. It provides a person the pleasure of collecting different types of stamps that he may find in ordinary binders or through his received mail. Some people consider it an exciting hobby. For a beginner, he may
What is a Stamp Expert?
The question is exactly what is a stamp expert? It is a label that comes with a set of mixed blessings. Many collectors treat experts with near reverence as if their every thought came from heaven. Others see experts as a challenge. Can you prove them wrong? Can you stump them? Make them squirm a bi
What Is A Stamp Worth?
“What is this old stamp worth?” is a question often posed by noncollectors. Unfortunately there isn’t an easy answer to this question. The noncollector has visions that his old stamp is worth an astronomical amount of money compared to the face value listed on the stamp. How much a given stamp is wo
What Makes A Stamp Collection Valuable?
Collecting stamps and coins are two hobbies that have more in common than either type of collector might believe. We will consider the idea of “value” or “valuable.”
What Makes A Stamp Collector?
Not every person who is interested in stamp collecting is in fact a collector. Some people are simply pack rats, which seems to be a cousin to a collector. Still other folks cannot bear to keep anything that doesn’t have a perceived use.
What Makes A Stamp Expert?
Whether you are a novice stamp collector or a seasoned one there may come a time in your life when you will need to consult with a real stamp expert. So what makes one an “expert?”
What Makes A Stamp Valuable
In most states and counties, it is common to find a variety of groups catering to the hobby of collecting stamps. People engage in stamp collecting as a general interest; other times they are in it because of the possibility of profit in collecting rare stamps. This profit comes from the fact that s
What Makes Stamps Valuable?
As the old adage goes, you will never see or realize the value of something unless it is gone. In stamp collecting, stamps do not have to disappear or go kaput before somebody knows or understands their value. In fact, people had long been knowledgeable about the value of stamps that is why stamp co
What Stamp Collectors Should Do
Stamp collecting is a very old hobby and is considered to be one of the most popular hobbies in the world. Though there is not that much money that can be made from this hobby unlike collecting coins, some people just do it for the fun of it.
What Story Is Behind My Stamp?
A stamp has many stories it can tell you, if you only look behind it.
What To Do With A No Opinion Certificate
You have received a "No Opinion" certificate on an item you had submitted. Now what do you do? When you receive a "no opinion "certificate, you need to know why. Sometimes the expertizing house will tell you why, especially when there is not enough on-staff experts working there.
When Stamp Collecting Becomes Profitable
Ever since the world began, humans were born to get busy. This is the main reason why most of the people are engaged into different activities life sports and different hobbies especially if they have nothing to do.
When To Consult An Expert
At some point in a stamp collector’s life he or she may need to consult an expert. Fortunately stamp collecting as a hobby has plenty of such experts.
When Your Stamp Collection Becomes Valuable
Once people have their basic survival needs met, they often turn take up hobbies and sports activities to fill up their spare time. Many people take up stamp collecting as a hobby. Of course most people collect stamps for the fun of collecting rather than having any financial gain in mind.
When Your Stamps Become Valuable
Ever since the world began, humans were born to get busy. This is the main reason why most of the people are engaged into different activities life sports and different hobbies especially if they have nothing to do.
Where To Get Stamps
As a budding stamp collector, you will want to get started on your collection. So where do you start? Well first you need to decide why you are collecting stamps. Some people collect stamps as an investment, hoping that the increased value of these stamps will accrue with age and will pay of dividen
Which Country To Collect From
Deciding which country to collect stamps from is not an easy decision. After all you have so many choices to choose from. In fact you could collect stamps from countries that no longer exist for one reason or another.
Why Do People Collect Stamps?
Many people consider stamp collecting as a personal hobby. To get started in collecting stamps can be fun and exciting. It is important to be sure what type of stamps to search and look for. He must also know how to secure and preserve them so that he will be able to present them in a very organized
Why Sell Stamps
Stamps are one of the easiest and most lucrative items yon can sell at an online auction. They can easily be sold for many times the amount that is paid for them, if you know how. Once you do know how it is possible to sell the stamps for up to 100 times the amount you paid for them.
William H. Johnson Flowers Stamps
On April 11, 2012, the U.S. Postal Service issued a nondenominated (45cent) Flowers by William H. Johnson forever stamp in the long-running American Treasures series. William Henry Johnson was an African-American painter born in Florence S.C. in 1901.
Wonders Of Stamp Collecting
You will probably meet very few people who say they have never collected anything in their life. But there are people, even when not deliberately collecting a particular object, who tend to have more than one of the same thing. It can be anything - tennis socks of different colors, brand name trai
Writing A Great Auction Description
The auction title’s job is to attract the attention of prospective bidders. Once that is done, it is the auction description’s job to get them to place a bid on your stamps.
Year Of The Monkey Issue
The United States Postal Service welcomes in the Year of the Monkey with a new nondenominated (49¢) forever stamp that features red-orange peonies from artist Kam Mak, and a small cut-paper image of a monkey based on a previously used design by artist Clarence Lee.
You Inherited A Stamp Collection, Now What?
Here is an all too typical situation, you have just inherited a stamp collection, about which you know nothing nor even care too. Surprise, surprise, surprise…none of your grandchildren have even the slightest interest in stamps or the collection itself. So what do you do now? What are your options?
Your First Stamp Album
Collecting and bringing stuff together is fun and it can be rewarding too when your collection gets noticed by other people who may even want to buy your collection. People collect all kinds of things like dolls, cars, toys, etc. But for some, there is nothing like collecting stamps.
Your Online Auction Policies
Once you have picked a suitable category for your stamp auctions and have written a good description, you need to state what your auction policies are towards the end of the description.
Your Other Stamp Exhibit Pages
Opinions vary as to what you will need for the remainder of your exhibit pages. Most exhibiting and judging guidelines are not very specific on this matter. Therefore you are free to use what you like. Remember that everything in your exhibit must be designed to enhance what your exhibit is all abou
Your Stamp Exhibit Title Page
Once you have your text under control, You face the issue of placing it on the page. As long as you are comfortable with the content of the text itself, then the text block should be considered as a component of the finished page and should be treated in much the same manner that you treat your stam
Your Stamp Exhibition Write-Up
The explanation that surrounds a stamp or a set in your exhibit, and why it is included is called the “write-up” in the vernacular of competitive stamp exhibiting. Using a daily newspaper as an example, the exhibit write-up is more closely related to photo captions than to a news article.
Yucatan Set Worthy Of Attention
The social structure of Yucatan, which is on the northern tip of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula has long been dominated by Hacendados, owners, and managers of large henequen plantations. Tensions between the Hacendados and the native Mayan peasant farmers ran high, resulting in the Caste War of 1847 to
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