Feeding Your Spirit

A State of Gratitude
How many can say that they are in state of gratitude at all times? Is it even possible considering all that we go through? Perhaps it it your perception of things and how you deal with it.
A Fresh Outlook for the New Year
2008 was a year with many changes, obstacles, challenges and triumphs. As we near a brand new year, let us prepare ourselves spiritually; armed with a fresh, new outlook, for a brand new year.
A Love Letter From God
A great part of our African American Culture has been our Faith. Our faith has given us hope and light. However, so many today have forsaken their belief in God because of the gravity of today's world. Here is a love letter from God to you. May it encourage you.
A New Year A New You
It's almost a brand new year and can be a brand new you. It's all in your hands whatever you decide to do. That's the wonderful thing about each new day. We don't actually have to wait for the New Year to start something new. Each day is a new beginning. It's just how we determine to look at it
A Season For Miracles
Do miracles still happen? What if I told you that God wanted to use you as the miracle in someone's life? Miracles still happen. And this is the perfect season for all miracles.
African-American Religion in the Nineteenth Century [offsite link]
Informative article on African-American religion.
African-Americans And God
We've been taught a lot through the years about God and who He is and how we should act and talk to God. Have you ever asked God a question? Have you ever gotten personal with God? God is a big God and we can ask Him anything! So...why not make it personal?
Beating the Holiday Blues
We have much to be grateful for; even if we think we don't. Is there enough room in your heart to help lift another person's heart this season?
Black Gospel Music [offsite link]
Dedicated to providing resources and information for participants and supporters in the ministry of Black Gospel Music.
BlackandChristian.com [offsite link]
A "one stop resource for information and inspiration all year long". This site offers a verse of the day, polls, books & music features, a message board & more.
Celebrate You!!
Sometimes it may feel as though life is whizzing by and we have not accomplished a thing. Take courage, and remember to count your blessings and celebrate who YOU are!
Celebrating Easter
Celebrating Easter means something different for everyone. However you celebrate, it is always nice to celebrate with the one's you love, and to make someone else's day a little brighter.
Choosing To Live
There are times when life just seems too much, and we want to give up. Be encourage to live life, and not let life live you. For there are great things ahead of you if you will just believe.
Christian Conversations [offsite link]
Nu Directions Ministries spreads the uplifting word of God with "Christian Conversations". The site offers links, a message board and more.
Dealing With Depression...Spiritually Speaking
Feeding your spirit. A look at the spiritual connection when facing and dealing with depression.
Defining Who You Are
We find ourselves defining who we are by our occupation; that thing we do for hours on end. But is that really who you are? That's what you do, but what about who you are. How would you define yourself if you didn't do what you did for a living?
Don't Give Up On You
We go through a lot in this life. Especially as African American Women. Our cup often seems full and running over. Our hands are constantly toiling. Our backs are always bending to aid those we know and love. But what about you? We must never give up on ourselves. Can you imagine what would happen?
Easter Traditions
I have vivid memories of being in my Grams kitchen on Easter. What fond memories do you have? What traditions or new traditions are you trying out this Easter season?
Faith and Prayer—Does It Work?
Whether you believe or not, there is something to be said about a person who has faith and a strong prayer life. Even scientists are noting the affects of having a positive attitude, and some level of faith and the belief in prayer. Have you tried it? Does it work for you?
Faith In The Black Community
Difficult times are not far and between, but close and often. Most African Americans have always relied heavily upon their faith. Whatever they may choose to practice. It is what got us through, gave us strength and encouragement.
Falling In Love Again
I know we are celebrating Valentine's Day. Lot's of hearts, candy, flowers, and cards. But how many of us are only going through the motions? Too much on your mind? Things getting away from you? Maybe it's time we fell in love again, and get some things restored.
Feeding Your Spirit
We have so many responsibilities in our lives. We are so busy taken care of everyone and everything, that we have neglected a crucial part in our lives: our spirit. God desires our time, and wants to give us what we need to make it through our daily lives.
Feeding Your Spirit
We all have things we long for. We want the best and we strive for the best most times. Yet, we often fall short and give up. Have you ever thought that what is missing is God?
Feeding Your Spirit...Be Confident
Confidence is not subject to whether or not our life is going the way we desire. Confidence should be the mainstay in our walk in God. Confidence should not be based upon our ability, but upon God and His word and the fact that God has never lied and will keep His promises.
Feeling Safe and Secure
Encouragement for your spirit and soul. There is always security and safety in the arms of God.
Forgiveness is Freedom
Forgiveness. To forgive. Easy to say, but sometimes very difficult to do.
Freeing Yourself From Past Mistakes
In order to move forward in what your Creator has ordained for your life, you must learn to forgive yourself for past mistakes. It's not often easy, but necessary if one is to move forward in life.
Getting Personal With Your Faith
When you want to know something, do you ask questions? Of course! How else are you going to find out the answers if you don't ask questions? The same applies with our faith. Our faith/belief are personal matters. And if we have a question, then why not go to the Source and ask those questions?
Getting to Know God
Many have asked how do you get to know God. I find that, Knowing God--getting to know God--is in our daily tasks of following Him. It is in the very things that we do on a daily basis.
Giving Thanks for the Life You Have
Our life may not be all that we want it to be; but we are alive, and can take the opportunity to count the blessings instead of the problems.
Grace To Begin Again
We've all made mistakes. But we do not have to continue to suffer for them, or feel ashamed. God gives us grace to begin again.
Great Expectations
Food for your spirit to feast upon. Let God show you just how worthy you are. Expect great things today...you are worth it!
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
What are your plans for this holiday weekend? Sometimes we just need to take a true holiday from all activities, and get some peace and quiet. Maybe this holiday can be a time of reflection. A time to relax, save some money, and enjoy your family in the sanctuary of your home.
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day!
He's Always Among Us
As we enter this week of continued celebrations, there may be many that feel alone. But you are not alone. For there was a special gift given this season to ensure that there is always someone among you; watching, waiting, and anticipating the day you welcome Him into your heart.
How Do You Love?
Who do you love? How do you show it? Is it with words, actions? What a perfect season to let people know how much you love them. And, I am not referring to how many gifts you can give, or how expensive a gift is. I am referring to the kind of love that supersedes the wallet and any material gift.
In The Race of Life
Life is like a marathon; a 26.2 mile marathon. And we must run this race with patience if we are to endure to the end.
It Will All Work Out
There are times in life that we sometimes experience heavy trials. Even with the holidays upon us, not everyone is filled with joy. There is much sadness and pain. But we can make it through. It can and will work out. Just maybe not in the way which we are expecting or anticipating.
It's A Love Thing
Can you feel the love? Can you sense the awesome power that surrounds you each and every day? No? Well, take heart; there is a love that is so strong, and a power so awesome, that it is just waiting for you to believe in order for you to see and receive it.
Joy Is Contagious
What a difference we can make in the lives of many when we determine to be people of joy. Joy is infectious. Did you ever notice that when you smile, more often than not, you will get a smile in return? Try it for yourself and let me know what happens.
Keeping The Faith in Difficult Times
Feeding Your Spirit. How hard is it to hold onto your faith when you are facing heartache and pain?
Knowing Your Net Worth
Becoming financially fit is just a part of taking control of your life and destiny. Money can sometimes be a major part of how people define themselves. However, your “net worth” has nothing to do with how much money you have or do not have. It is the value you place on yourself as an individual.
Learning to Wait
Waiting can sometimes be the hardest thing to do. But, as we grow maturer, and wisdom takes its place, we come to understand that waiting is the best thing that we could ever do; especially when it comes to God.
Leaving The Past Behind
Looking forward to the New Year, by learning to leave the past behind, and prioritizing our lives.
Letting Go
Letting go of things and people is always much easier said than done. However, there comes a time in our life when we must make tough decisions...and sometimes that means having to let go.
Looking For Inspiration
Did you ever feel trapped in a situation or stuck in a moment; feeling as though you have missed an opportunity? There are different seasons in life. And in some seasons, we need a little inspiration to get us going. Inspiration is all around us—we just have to know how to recognize it.
Making a Difference
Often times we are faced with situations in life that cause us to rethink and assess our life choices. Suppose during our assessment we came to the conclusion that we are the problem? What do you do? Where do you start?
National Women's History Month
We stand strong. Celebrating National Women's History Month.
Never Underestimate Your Influence
Your life has meaning. Never underestimate your influence on those around you and in this earth. YOU make a difference. And YOU can change someone else's life for the better! Believe in yourself!
Pushing Past The Pain
We sometimes encounter life situations that are painful. At times, we may get stuck in that pain and not know how to move on. Life is a journey. And sometimes that journey has pain. But we can move forward and get past the pain and live a life that is full and productive; even if the pain lingers.
Reaching The Bottom
It's time to do a gut check. It's time to look in the mirror and take responsibility for the things that we choose to do. It's a thin line between staying above the bottom, and diving head first into irresponsibility; creating havoc not only in our lives, but in the lives of those around us.
Recognizing The Truth About Yourself
We can sometimes get caught up in the evaluations and opinions of others concerning who we are. At times, it can overshadow who we really are, and have a profound impact on how we see ourselves. It's time to recognize the truth about yourself...from a Divine point of view.
Reflecting Upon My Independence
Fourth of July was a fascinating time for me as a child. I loved the family gatherings and the celebrations and fantastic fireworks display. As I grew older, and hopefully wiser, I began to contemplate on what independence truly meant to me.
Sister To Sister
There are times when women can be the best of friends, and other times the worse of enemies. What is it about women—Black women in particular, that can have us reaching for the phone one minute, pouring out our souls, and the next tearing one another down?
Spring Cleaning...Spiritually Speaking
It's Spring time, and many of us are in the throws of Spring cleaning. Getting rid of old things, dusty things; changing the décor of our homes. For many of us, it is also time for us to do a little Spring cleaning spiritually.
State of the Black Church
Questions are looming concerning the state of the Black Church and what is preached on Sunday's. What does church mean to the Black community? The Church was more than a place for services; it was a social hub.
Struggling With Body Image in The Black Community
In a society where it is immediately celebrated to be beautiful, who is defining what is beautiful? What is the standard for beauty? We hold the task of teaching our children and reminding ourselves to be confident as individuals. To celebrate uniqueness. To encourage individuality and creativeness.
Tag...You Are It!
Time to feed our spirit. It's funny how a childhood game can be related to our daily lives, and what God has intended for us. After celebrating this Easter season, I hope that you can connect with the power that truly resides in you, and know that you have all you need to go forth. Tag..You're it
The Choices We Make
Choices. Decisions. Having to decide what is best and what is right. When we find ourselves making rash decisions, it most likely based upon our emotions. How many times have we’ve done that, only to regret it later? Whether it be sooner or later; regret often does come.
The Heart Speaks Volumes
The heart says a lot about who we are. The decisions we make; the paths we take; it all can be linked to our heart and what lies within it.
The Power of Our Thoughts
We often hear about the power of our words. But have you ever considered the power of your thoughts and the affects your thoughts have on your life?
The Power of Words
There is power in the words that we speak. What do your words say about you? Do you speak life and hope? Or, death and despair?
The Reason We Can Feast
Every day is a reason to celebrate when you know why you celebrate and for who.
The Reason We Celebrate
I heard a statement once: Black people love a good party. I didn't take offense. And neither should you. Why shouldn't we love a good party? A celebration? We have a lot to be grateful for. God has done some phenomenal things in our life; within our culture. And continues to do so.
The Words We Speak
Sometimes our words can bring more harm than good. Living in the digital age that we do, we must be mindful of what we put out. For certainly, it can and will come back upon us—in a good way or bad way.
There is A Blessing With Your Name
You may be going through hell right now. Things may seem to be crowding in on you. But I encourage you to hold on. God has a blessing with your name on it.
This Easter Season
This Easter season I want to remember the lessons that I was taught through the people that I love. I want to be able to pass along to those I love those same lessons, and show the Christ in action through the way in which I live and love.
To Love Purely
Do you love unconditionally? We have so many definitions of what love is and what love looks like. What reflection does your love cast? Is it pure or polluted with unattainable conditions?
Unity Can Shed Insecurities In Black Women
As Black women, something amazing and powerful happens when we come together and support one another. Coming together and having open, honest dialogue about our struggles has proven to be key in us overcoming and shedding our insecurities.
Why Do We Do What We Do
Why do we make the decisions that we make? What are our motives. With so much going on in the world today; how much does our faith have to do with what we do?
Words That Heal and Soothe
Now, more than any other time, there are many seeking to find comfort. Comfort from all that has transpired. The grievous economy. The lack of employment. The loss of life. There is so much. Yet, many are turning to their faith and finding comfort in words that heal and soothe the broken hearted.
You Are Missed
We all go through rough times. Sometimes we feel as though we are all alone. But, did you know that you are never alone? And the fact is, that you are missed?
You Are Worthy
It is my prayer that this day will find you in good health, great spirit and divine inspiration. Know that you are worthy of love, and all that God has promised.
Your Life Is Valuable
There is a purpose for your life; whether you know what it is or not. Forget about the past, and all that went wrong. You have a fresh start with the moment you woke up this morning. Now, let's get started!
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