Career Development

Aboutness : How Subject Headings Are Dertmined
A continuing examination of how we determine subject headings for materials in our collection?
Aboutness : Or Piles of Subject Headings
How do we determine subject headings for materials in our collection?
Assigning Subject Headings
The series on assigning subject headings for catalogues continues.
Association of Christian Librarians [offsite link]
An organization for evangelical librarians
and publishes the print and online versions of the Christian Periodical Index.
Association of Jewish Libraries [offsite link]
Fosters access to information, learning, teaching and research relating to Jews, Judaism, the Jewish experience and Israel.
Book Mending Materials
Information on tools and techniques for this essential task for librarians and others who care for books.
Book Mending Methods
Using simple materials you can perform basic book mending in your library.
Cable in the Classroom
How do you use news programs, documentaries, and other great educational programing without worrying about copyright violation or fast forwarding through commercials? The answer is Cable in Classroom.
Clultural Assimilation in the United States - The Melting Pot
What are our expectations for assimilation in the United States?
Copyright Law and Fair Use
Librarians often act as the gatekeepers of copyright compliance. What can and cannot be used in audio and video materials?
Customer Service in the Library
Many librarian job descriptions include the phrase "must have excellent customer service skills." But, what does that mean exactly?
Developing A Reference Policy
Take time to look at developing or re-look at your current reference policy. Does the policy serve the patron, the staff, or does it create a balance? Here are some issues to consider.
Downloading MARC Records From the Library of Congress
Adding catalog records can be time consuming and costly. The Library of Congress provides a free option from their online catalog.
Dyslexia and Library Service
With 20 in every 100 people having some form of dyslexia libraries need to address how to best serve this patron group.
E-Books and the Internet
How are the World Wide Web and non-traditional books changing the profession of librarianship?
Education Lite - The Impact of the Internet on Education
What impact does the Internet have on education? Does it enhance it or detract from it?
Free Reading and Student Achievement
When students choose their reading materials positive things happen.
Free University Courses On The Internet
Major universities in the United States are now offering courses online--for free. You too can take a class from Harvard, Yale, or MIT!
Good Books Make Reading Fun
Stories for children should be of all kinds—folktales, funny, exciting, astounding stories, and tales of every day life.
Harry and the Satanists
Is J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter trying to convert children to Satanism?
Harry Potter and The Vatican
News statement regarding the Vatican´s opinion of Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling.
Home Schooling and the Public Library
The partnership between home schooling families and public libraries can be vibrant and beneficial.
Homosexuality : Issues For Libraries and Librarians
How should libraries deal with materials that address homosexuality?
How to Handle a Book Challenge
What is a librarian to do when the dreaded book challenge happens?
International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists [offsite link]
Creates, captures, and disseminates information to achieve a more productive and sustainable use of the world´s land, water, and renewable natural resources.
International Association of Law Libraries [offsite link]
A worldwide, cooperative non-profit organization of librarians, libraries, and other persons and institutions concerned with the acquisition, dissemination and use of legal information from sources other than their own jurisdictions
Librarians are often responsible for selecting a phone service for their library. Let´s examine my experience with one.
Library Dictionary
Each profession has their own unique terms. Learn libraryspeak with our dictionary.
Library Dictionary B - M
A glossary of common terms used in libraries.
Library Media Specialists and Alternative Schools
What is the role of the Librarian in meeting the needs of students who attend alternative schools?
Library Sciences Book Club
The Library Sciences book club picks a selection to read and discuss. The books can either be fiction or nonfiction. Suggestions are always welcome.
Library Video Circulation Policies
If your library will be circulating videos or DVDs you need to plan an appropriate policy. [offsite link]
LISNews is a collaborative weblog [aka blog] devoted to current events and news in the world of Library and Information Science.
Medical Library Association [offsite link]
A nonprofit, educational organization with more than 4,000 health sciences information professional members and partners worldwide.
Multiculturalism - A More Truly Diverse Notion of Excellence
How multiculturalism can enhance our lives.
Multiculturalism and the First Amendment
Can multiculturalism coexist with freedom of speech?
National Association of Media and Technology [offsite link]
The National Association of Media & Technology Centers (NAMTC) is an organization committed to promoting leadership among its membership through networking, advocacy, and support activities that will enhance the equitable access to media, technology, and information services to educational communities
Non-Traditional Books and Society
How do books on tape fit into our society?
Online Learning
These sites are all related to on-line learning.
Paper vs Electronic Reference
Many libraries are ridding themselves of paper reference resources and going with electronic ones. At the same time, libraries are strapped for cash and closing to make ends meet. Does paying for electronic reference make sense in this economy?
Praxis Test For Librarians
The Praxis test is required in many states for those wishing to serve as school librarians. What can you expect from the test?
Professional Organizations for Librarians
Being a librarian can be a lonely profession. Joining professional organizations help connect you to other librarians who understand your goals and vision.
Recommended Articles On Gay Library Materials
These selected articles provide a good over view on issues and concerns about selecting homosexual related materials for your library.
So, You Want to Be a Librarian
The face of librarianship has changed over time. It is no longer just about books. Here are few things to consider if you are thinking about joining this rewarding profession.
Subject Heading Professional Development Quiz
This quiz tests your knowledge of subject headings, based upon three articles here at BellaOnline.
The Power of Reading in the Library
Encouraging reading in the library and through library activities may seem obvious. In the desire to be technologically "with it" too many libraries have set reading aside.
The Role of the School Librarian in Whole Language
How do librarians assist in the transition and implementation of whole language instruction?
The Value of Light Weight Reading
We want young people to read good literature. More importantly, we want young people to read! This may mean tossing aside our ideas of what children and teens should be reading.
The Value of National Conferences
Never underestimate the value of attending a national library conference. The information gleaned will be well worth the price of travel and admission.
The View From the Cherry Tree - A Controversial Book
An example of a controversial book and its challenges.
The View From the Cherry Tree - A Controversial Book
An example of a controversial book and its challenges.
The Whole Language Approach
What is whole language? Why is there such conflict?
Tips for Purchasing Software
With so many educational titles available how do you decide what to buy on a limited budget? Here are practical ideas to assist you in your selection.
Using Plastic Bags For Books
Are you considering the use of plastic bags for your library books? Here are ideas and resources.
What Does a Librarian Do All Day?
Discard your vision of hair buns and lace collars. Today’s school librarian is high tech and highly active.
What To Read After Twilight
Are your patrons searching for something to read after they complete the Twilight Series? I created a handy bookmark that lists books readers can explore.
When is a Book Not a Book?
How will audio and e-books effect reading and print books? What does the advent of these books mean to the library profession?
Writing for the Web
Find out how to make one of your most time consuming tasks easier.
Links marked with the [offsite link] designation point to websites not associated with is not responsible for the material found there.
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