photography Feature Archive of Articles

This listing shows you every single article in the Photography Site! The articles are shown in date order, with the most recent articles on top. You can also use the search feature to search for something specific. These listings are shown 10 articles to a page.
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7 Common Photography Mistakes Beginners Make
7 Photography Exercises For Beginners
7 Photography Terms that All Beginners Should Know
5 Advantages of a Mirrorless Camera
7 Places to Sell Your Photography Online
Zoom Burst Photography Explained
iPad Apps For Photographers
5 Tips For Wide-Angle Photography
3 Photography Rules To Break Today!
Three Great IPhone Photography Apps
Archive by Date | Archive by Article Title
7 Common Photography Mistakes Beginners Make
To become a good photographer, you need to practice your skills and make some mistakes along the way. Here are 7 common photography mistakes beginners make that you can avoid by reading this article.
7 Photography Exercises For Beginners
To become a good photographer you need to hone your skills by putting in the time and practicing your art. Here are 7 exercises that you can do to keep you focused and get you closer to your photography goals
7 Photography Terms that All Beginners Should Know
Don't know your bokeh from your viewfinder? Photography terms can have you reaching for the nearest dictionary if you are a complete beginner. Here are seven terms that will help you along in your photography journey:
5 Advantages of a Mirrorless Camera
Mirrorless cameras are the big thing at the moment and although I am not ready to change from my DSLR yet there are some definitive advantages and here are five to consider:
7 Places to Sell Your Photography Online
If you have a camera and you love taking photos there are lots of online shops where you can sell your photos and make some money. Some are suited to more artistic photography and some have huge catalogues that target the corporate market. Here are seven different places you can try:
Zoom Burst Photography Explained
Feeling bored with your photography and want to get a bit more creative? Try using your zoom lens to create some exciting effects “in camera”.
iPad Apps For Photographers
There are so many great apps out there for the iPad but a lot of them target the enthusiast rather than the more serious photographer. Here are three great apps to help your photography and your business.
5 Tips For Wide-Angle Photography
Choosing a wide-angle lens for a shoot can create a whole new look to your style and help you achieve shots that are just not possible with other types of lenses. Here are 5 tips to help get you started on your journey into using wide-angle lenses.
3 Photography Rules To Break Today!
There are many rules in photography but some of the best pictures ever taken beak these rules unapologetically. Here are three photography rules to break today to bring a new dimension to your creativity.
Three Great IPhone Photography Apps
Looking for some great iPhone photography apps? Here are three iPhone apps to keep you creative and take your photography to the next level
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