spanishlanguage Feature Archive of Articles

This listing shows you every single article in the Spanish Language Site! The articles are shown in date order, with the most recent articles on top. You can also use the search feature to search for something specific. These listings are shown 10 articles to a page.
Archive by Date | Archive by Article Title
Spanish Language Dictations Level Beginner #001
A Bit Of Grammar And... Some Practice!
Reading comprehension. El nino y el gato.
Site of the month.
Describing photos. Using SER and ESTAR.
Spanish Tip. Prepositions EN and A
Spanish Exercise. The PC and the internet
Spanish Vocabulary. The PC and the internet
Site of the month.
Colors in Spanish. Exercises
Archive by Date | Archive by Article Title
Spanish Language Dictations Level Beginner #001
New dictations! I have recorded 10 short sentences (Level Beginner). Listen and write down what you hear.
A Bit Of Grammar And... Some Practice!
Today, some information about SPANISH FEMININE WORDS and one interactive exercise to put it into practice.
Reading comprehension. El nino y el gato.
Comprenhension exercise. Read the text and answer some questions. You can find a list of answers at the end of the article and a link to download this exercise in pdf format.
Site of the month.
Italki, a good and practical way to learn/practice Spanish... or any other language you've got on your list!
Describing photos. Using SER and ESTAR.
Describing photos can be a good and entertaining way to add more vocabulary to our Spanish.
Spanish Tip. Prepositions EN and A
I thought I could tell you today about the use of "EN" and "A", as I noticed some Spanish language students find it hard whenever they try to use the right preposition. I know Spanish prepositions are sometimes difficult, but we have some clues on how to use the right one.
Spanish Exercise. The PC and the internet
Choose the word according to the given definitions. Exercise based on the previous article "Spanish Vocabulary. The PC and the internet)"
Spanish Vocabulary. The PC and the internet
New Spanish vocabulary, this time about the computer and the internet. This article includes three sound recordings.
Site of the month.
Free Spanish resources. offers lots of free Spanish language exercises.
Colors in Spanish. Exercises
The best way to learn how to use color names in Spanish is... practice!
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